NOTE: PLEASE BE CAREFUL NALANG PO SA PAG-FILL UP NG FORM IF EVER MAN PARA MAIWASAN MA MISUSE ANG IDENTITY NATIN BETTER CHECK AT SIGURADUHIN NA SA COMMUNITY LEADERS or ORGANIZATION RECOGNIZED BY PHIL EMBASSY.. OR PM (private message) NLNG ... WAG KUNG KANI-KANINO .. Keep praying kabayan GOD is with us.... ‘Prepare for war but don’t panic’ – Filipinos visit Kuwait exit point; Syria war looms KUWAIT: Officials in Kuwait said they are ready for any cases of emergency as Syria war looms. The 3.8 million population, of citizens and expats, will be given due importance and everyone will be protected and receive basic services in case US strikes Syria. News reports stated that they have enough stock of food which can last for four months. But for some Filipinos however, they think it is better to be safe than sorry. Yesterday, Philippines embassy officials and Filipino media visited a possible exit point in Kuwait where they could easily leave from, in case of an emergency. “I have already prepared something in case of an emergency,” a Filipino father of two said yesterday. “I bought some noodles and canned food and have already sealed the windows of my apartment to be sure. The upcoming war is scary; especially the videos of children dying in chemical attacks. I really hope and pray that we are not going to experience any of that,” he added. To show their readiness and support for their citizens, Filipino Embassy officials in Kuwait met with community leaders and organizations to prepare them for any contingency plan and also reassure them of their readiness in the event of a possible evacuation. In an advisory posted on the Embassy’s website yesterday, the Philippine Embassy told their citizens to fill out registration forms to be circulated by Filipino area coordinators to collect census and to know the exact number of Filipinos in Kuwait. “Designated area coordinators will conduct a standard census over the coming weeks to know the OFW population. Only names, addresses, next of kin, names of companies, and contact numbers will be asked,” said Consul General Raul Dado. “We appeal for calm. The impending war will not be in Kuwait, but far away in Syria, so we believe that we are going to be safe here. There is no war or chemical warfare. There is no mass evacuation. I thank the Filipino organization leaders for their support in disseminating our information. They’re doing an excellent job,” he said. The advisory was a revised version of their first notice that was posted a few days ago where they stressed that the safest place that one can stay (in the event of war) is in the comfort of their home. “If one wishes, he can time his vacation over the coming weeks just to feel better. You can go to the Philippines or a third country for a vacation. But don’t run to the airport. Just travel normally. Treat the following weeks normally. You can prepare but don’t overreact, over-prepare or panic and buy in excess,” the advisory specified. By Ben Garcia
Posted on: Tue, 10 Sep 2013 08:22:46 +0000

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