NOTES THAT Firstly, WEST NEW GUINEA OF MELANESIA IS STILL KEPT, KEPT AND KEPT SEEKING, DEMANDING FIGHTING AND CALLING FOR JUSTICE AND FREEDOM ... AND NEVER, NEVER AND NEVER BE SILENCE DAY BY DAY OPPRESSION ACT IN WEST NEW GUINEA OF MELANESIA. AGAIN, THE MOST, MOST, AND MOST IMPORTANT NOTES THAT THE CONTROVERSIAL ILLEGAL CRIMINAL REGIME OF NKRI-INDONESIA FIRST PRESIDENT, SUKARNO HAD ANNOUNCED AND SAID THROUGH IN HIS INTENTION TO AGAINST U.N. AND INVADE THE DUTCH NEW GUINEA OF MELANESIA ON 1 DECEMBER 1961. THE NATIONAL ISLAMIC-WAHHABISM EXTREMIST LEADER MAJOR-GENERAL SUHARTO LED THE OPERATION, WHICH BECOME A POST COLD WORLD - ITS NOTHING NEW MATTERS AMONG US PAPUANS...DAY BY DAY ... AS IT WAS BEING HAPPENED THROUGH THE CHEAPEST SLOGAN CYNICALLY-SENTIMENT BLIND EYES OF IDEAS PROPAGANDA OVER OTHERS GLOBALLY PARTICULARLY OVER THE BASIC RIGHTS OF NEW GUINEA ISLAND OF WEST PAPUA OF MELANESIA AND PAPUA NEW GUINEA -PNG AND OTHERS AS WELL ...IT IS THE EXTREMISM SUPRESSIVE POLICY OF INNER CIRCLE EXTREMISTS OF ISLAMIC-WAHHABISM ILLEGAL CRIMINAL REGIME OF NKRI OVER 53 YEARS ( 1950S TO 2014 TODAY) WHO AGAINST -ANTI THE UNIVERSAL BASIC HUMAN RIGHTS OF WEST NEW GUINEA OF MELANESIA IN WEST NEW GUINEA OF MELANESIA ... AND OTHERS AS WELL OF THE LONG TERMS SILENCE ARMS CONFLICTS AFTER ILLEGAL STATE OF NKRI HAD SIGNED ONLY THE $ 400 MILLION ARMS DEAL WITH THE SOVIET UNION .THIS PROMPTED U.S.A.-AMERICAN INTERVENTION UNDER JOHN.F.KENNEDY ADMINISTRATION VIA -1960S WASHINGTON-WHITE HOUSE FOREIGN POLICY, AND THE NEW YORK AGREEMENT OF 1962. AGAINST U.N. RESOLUTION 1752 THAT FULL OF DECEPTION AS A PART OF CORE DESTRUCTION DEATH NATION OF NEW GUINEA OF MELANESIAN PEOPLE AND TERRITORIES. TODAY, ITS TO REMIND US ALL FOR OUR MSG-MELANESIAN FAMILIES NATIONS OF SOUTH PACIFIC ISLANDS REGIONS AND ALL OTHERS THAT REAFFIRMED THE IMPORTANCE OF CHARTER OF THE UNITED NATIONS, PARTICULARLY THE ARTICLE 73(E) CONCERNING NON-SELF GOVERNING TERRITORIES, AS WELL AS GENERAL ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION NUMBER 1514(XV) OF 14 DECEMBER 1960 WHICH CONTAINING THE DECLARATION ON THE GRANTING OF INDEPENDENCE TO COLONIAL COUNTRIES AND PEOPLES; AND RESOLUTION1541 (XV) OF 15 DECEMBER 1960 CONTAINING THE PRINCIPLES WHICH SHOULD GUIDE MEMBERS OF THE UNITED NATIONS IN DETERMINING WHETHER OR NOT THE NON-SELF-GOVENING TERRITORY CAN BE SAID TO HAVE REACHED A FULL MEASURE OF SELF-GOVERNMENT....AND....ON....AND ...ON ... ON ...THROUGH THE POLITICAL DEVELOPMENT, ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT, ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT .... DAN BUKAN KONTROVESIAL ILLEGAL KRIMINAL REGIME OF NKRI TODAY 53 YEARS BY NOW ....??? SETERUSNYA... (its just Little more background Simply because Freeport McMoran, a US mining company exploits the worlds biggest gold mine in the world, located in West Papua which can be read here (Secret Files Show U.S. Support for Indonesia, Human Rights Abuses by Indonesian Military in West Papua) : .FRANCISCUS OEWENG KANDAM ...PERSOALAN KEADILAN TETAP JALAN TERUSSSSS HINGGA SELESAI ... PEACE. Jakarta Watchdog Calls on Indonesia to Open Access to Papua By Hariet Conron on 9:29 am January 23, 2014. Category Featured, News Tags: Papua, Papua human rights abuses, West Papua Papuan students take part on a rally in Surabaya, East Java on December 2, 2013, demanding the freedom of West Papua province. (AFP Photo/Bay Ismoyo) At the launch of its 2014 World Report on Wednesday, Human Rights Watch called on the government to lift the ban on foreign journalists entering the volatile provinces of Papua and West Papua. The report details multiple acts of violence between state security forces and Free Papua Organization (OPM) activists that occurred in the two provinces last year that left at least 11 dead. Speaking at the report’s launch i nJakarta, HRW Indonesia researcher Andreas Harsono said the police and military continued to commit human rights abuses with relative impunity in Papua. In the last year, peaceful Papuan independence activists have been subjected to excessively violent — and sometimes fatal — treatment from state security forces, he said. According to the New York-based organization, there are currently 70 Papuans in prison for their peaceful involvement in the Papuan independence movement, despite the government’s claims there are no political prisoners in Indonesian jails. In his statement, Andreas called for the release of these political prisoners, as well as a group of Maluku activists imprisoned for peaceful dissent in the nearby Maluku islands. HRW asked political parties running in the upcoming national elections to consider changing the policy of restricted access to Papua and West Papua for foreign journalists, questioning what the Indonesian government had to hide from the outside world. In the past two years, just three international news organizations were granted access to the Papuan provinces under the watch of official minders. International pressure is mounting for the government to open the doors to Papua, release political prisoners and put a stop to violent clashes between state security forces and suspected OPM rebels. The European Parliament will met in Brussels today for a hearing on the human rights situation in Papua and West Papua. Papuan activists scaled the wall of the Australian Consulate in Bali during the APEC Summit last year, when world leaders from around the Asia-Pacific region were in the country, in a bid to consult with leaders about their cause. However, Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott rejected their pleas and vowed instead to stand by the Indonesian government.Harriet Conron. Secondly, Be warned and notice that Australia in the eyes of the controversial coercive Islamic Javanesse Arabic-mix government of NKRI are very important allies but there were many Australian who got killed in that bombing incident-by the NKRIs TN-POL who are trainning Taliban-Jihadist-Mujahiddin radical terrorist to kill Australian including Western democratic societies such as look back on 12th, of October 2002, at the Sari Club-Denpasar-Bali was bombed by the Islamic Mujahhidin-Jihadist who targeting mainly at the Western Societies of Australian and European tourists , and there were many Australian who got killed in that bombing incident-the coercive regime NKRI-islamic government knew everything about the plan and did nothing to prevent it or prtended didnt know about it....Again its still fresh in 2004, the Australian embassy in Jkarta was also bombed by Islamic jihad, So NKRI-Indonesia Javanese islamic government was also knew that the Islamic jihad-Mujahhidin who were planning bomb all Australian interest in the controversial coercive NKRI. The NKRI-Indonesia Jvanesse islamic government turned the cynically the blind eyes and the political conflicts sentiments and let it be happened. NKRI-Indonesia Diplomats are cunning like pegeon, sincere like a snake... Australian or NEW GUINEA ISLAND and others dont be FOOLED by the Coercive cunning diplomats, they are simply already stated that the Australia people are stupid and easy to be FOOLED, Because NKRIs population is overcrowd population of poverty and not strong economical development levels but full of CORRUPTION DEVELOPMENT PLANNING PROGRAM...THANKS ...PEACE ...OPM -INTERNATIONAL FORUM FOR WEST PAPUA...THANKS.
Posted on: Fri, 24 Jan 2014 07:14:55 +0000

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