NOV 14, 2013, USA -- Obamas FIX for the 5M previously - TopicsExpress


NOV 14, 2013, USA -- Obamas FIX for the 5M previously self-insured, now not-insured-due-to-ObamaScare Americans is: I AM OKAYING INSURANCE COMPANIES TO REINSTATE YOUR INSURANCE FOR ANOTHER YEAR. HUH???? Is this even constitutional? The executive branch of govt (POTUS) cannot make laws; thats the job of the Congress. The job of POTUS is TO ENFORCE THE LAWS THAT THE CONGRESS HAS PASSED. Thats just Govt 101. Thats a DUH. But today, we have a POTUS -- AND A PROFESSOR OF CONSTITUTIONAL LAW AT HARVARD NO LESS (or so we are told; we cant be sure about this, since all his collegiate records have been sealed since 2008) -- who, without Congressional approval, told Americans who were dropped from their insurance carriers due to ObamaScare, THAT IF THE INSURANCE COMPANIES AGREE, THEIR POLICIES CAN BE REINSTATED. Where da hell did Obummer get the idea that he could bypass the Congress and change law on his own?? Mr. Obummer, please point to us that part of the US Constitution that allows you to do this. PLEASE! Im giving you an out here. If you can support your actions based on Constitutionality, I will shut up and rest my case. If you cant, well.....youve got a lot of splaining to do to your voters, dont ya? Not to mention trying to salvage the prospects of 15 Democrat congressional senators up for re-election in Nov 2014, huh. You just f*cked up any chance they had to get re-elected, because they all voted for ObamaScare, WITHOUT READING THE BILL BECAUSE THEY JUST TRUSTED YOU BLINDLY. BTW, Mr. President, HAVE YOU EVER READ THE BILL? All indications point to you havent. If you had, we wouldnt be where we are right now, right? Nancy Pelosh*t (D-CA) -- your Speaker of the House at that time -- told us we could read the bill AFTER it was passed (oh, I still cant believe she was elected Speaker of the House!) and yet AFTER IT WAS PASSED ON PARTISAN LINES, YOU AND YOUR DEMOCRATS STILL DIDNT READ THE BILL! Three years have passed, lots of time for yall to read the bill and yet none of you did. SHAME ON YOU! Unlike the Democrats, the GOP read the bill. They saw all the evil effects on the American people and economy. AND THEY PROTESTED IT. Time and time again. They even told you about their reservations, in the Healthcare Summit of February 25, 2010 -- which was televised. THREE YEARS BEFORE TODAY, THE GOP TRIED TO TELL YOU THAT THE WAY OBAMACARE WAS WRITTEN, IT WAS BOUND TO FAIL. But you didnt listen, did you? Of course not. God forbid anyone -- least of all anyone on the GOP side -- should tell you you were wrong. NO WAY COULD YOUR EGO STAND THAT. Zip forward to today, Nov 15, 2013, and ObamaScare IS IMPLODING. Not thru anything the GOP did, because none of them voted for it, but because the program itself was based on your assumption that young, healthy people would rush to sign up for ObamaScare JUST BECAUSE THEY LOVED YOU. What universe do you belong to, Obummer? Do you really believe that your core voters wouldnt throw you under the bus if it meant saving them money? LOL. LIKE IT OR NOT, MR. OBUMMER, EVEN THE MOST UNEDUCATED VOTER WILL CHOOSE MONEY OVER YOU. Sorry this comes as a shock to your the world revolves around me belief. BUT THATS YOUR PROBLEM, NOT OURS.
Posted on: Sat, 16 Nov 2013 04:22:50 +0000

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