NRM INVICIBILITY President Museveni is the son of Africa - TopicsExpress


NRM INVICIBILITY President Museveni is the son of Africa and not detached from Africa but above all he is your son and our brother who consistently Marketed Uganda in Africa and the World over bringing all sorts of Conventions,Conferences,Workshops until he brought the most revered and respected Person in the whole world Our Queen of England during CHOGM and the Pope and this case POPE PAUL RIP and the TWO World Power Presidents President Bill Clinton and President Bush Junior now what in SHOWCASING YOUR COUNTRY ,OUR COUNTRY••••••Period! That is an AFRICAN FIRE BRAND to reckon with transforming the IMAGE of UGANDA •••Putting Uganda back on the map of the world if you want with your support••• •••Please take note like you when you go to make it for Uganda and do the the Best for Uganda you may involve few to minimize costs and distort what ever or who ever to meet your objective••In and by 1895 the Mighty Buganda had crumbled establishing by 1900 Agreement which took 3 months with all Baganda after Ssekabaka Mwangas death when Buganda was in a vacuum made Uganda a Republic and Buganda part of Uganda but to them Tall Ugandans from the North made sense to them as their Soldiers and handed over guns to them•••They exerted on them required discipline as soldiers but by 1962, Ugandans due to pressure wanted self rule and haphazardly were forced to lower their Flag and hoisted Ugandan flag under the Prime ministership of Appolo Milton Obote Rip during the Presidency of Ssekabaka Mutesa II but the GUN POWER led to continued and endemic Civil Disobedience by the Armed Northern Soldiers shortly after Milton Obote RIP over through the first and historical Ugandan President ,Late Idi Amin Dada over threw him you can check with American EmbassyDeclassified files on Uganda concerning Idi Amin when Late Obote was in Singapore but as Arms Management was poor Amin could not keep quiet he massacred the Acholi Soldiers condemning them of mistrust but with or without them Amin did not manage the vulnerable Diplomacy of the young state until NLA from Tanzania also over through him later followed by OBOTE II Presidency again Acholi undermined his rule and was over thrown so this gruesome leadership of unruly Army was a very serious liability leave alone from the North which was less than a quarter of the Population••••• and with communication barrier because of an illiterate Army Used Kiswahili when dehumanizing,torturing,killing Ugandans on road blocks the country had fell into state of anarchy••The NRM disciplined Army took over from this rag tag Army now charged with balancing of the Army but before this they engaged NRM government for 20 years and the fact that they wanted to recoup their lost glory but could not from Acholi land to Maga Maga they were pushed back,FOBA and later Konyi shrouded in his infamous 10 Commandments mimed his people and fear to report his heinous actions the Army could not do much later with Suport from Sudan Government ,Kony was Persued up to South Sudan in the war torn south Sudanese land until he was persued up to the forests of DRC an episode which has been trying for this nation•••Today the Army is redefined to be more balanced but also improving it to include educated Ugandans and graduates took over all areas of Army leadership.Today we are talking of a more organized standard Army•••However,President Museveni had to oversee an Army in recruitment though people this side never liked Army but he was forced to put some incentives and so that people can be recruited•••It was great to transform your army up to date•••The Management of the Army require your son and balance it to detail and today the Army is one of the best Army unheard of and has contributed to establishing the SOMALI State••among the most divided ideologies seemingly unable to create semblance of Power••• The Army stability in Somalia educated Somali young in Schools,protected vulnerable women and elders in Camps and while occupying each and every area held up by al Shabab and with civility many al Shabab have rejoined Somali force and together President Kagame and President Nkurunzisa with deplomacy on the other hand and sweet talking al Shabab members to join the small Somali Army so that together Somalia can go on and Iam sure Uganda is more open to Somalia because all it wants a happy Somali right on Kenyan Army has also joined the same and though few issues here and there President Uhuru Kenyata is on course for Somalis but as you may not issues affecting Somalis ranging from al Qaida theories may not help Somalis because it compounds their problem in Africa and this what President Museveni is telling them and all African leaders here•••Its useless to do what they are doing in Africa because its making their people to suffer so much•••I would suggest tribal leaders in Somalia to advise young ones to concentrate on dear young Nation••• You know the more they stay disorganized the more wrong groups join their state the more suffering but once they copy example of a disciplined Army of Uganda,Kenya,Uganda and Rwanda and get on board for training theirs and Police then get international Grants to build this young State all Somalis will come back at home• • • However from this point of View the Army has grown in Strength and in power to Manage Uganda Security•••So we can say Uganda NRM at 100 is possible and Practical now after pacifying Nortb and Gulu Speed of Development the SKY is the Limit••••In fact my friend Mao tried to say some thing they TOLD him MAO Keep Quiet we know war better than you and that was in UGANDA media quoted Verbatim•••It means the people are all out to develop and you cannot back track and take them behind••••• Today its all reconciliation,rehabilitation and featuring a better North|||••••
Posted on: Sun, 24 Nov 2013 19:51:40 +0000

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