NSA files – live coverage of all developments and - TopicsExpress


NSA files – live coverage of all developments and reaction Live• Oversight of agencies should be increased - ex-DPP • Opposition shock in Canada over NSA spying on G8 and G20 • New to the NSA revelations? Catch up here • What do the NSA files mean for you? • NSA and surveillance made simple – animation Paul Owen. Photograph: Linda Nylind Paul Owen theguardian, Friday 29 November 2013 09.25 EST Jump to comments (10) Print this British spy chiefs appear before the ISC Andrew Parker, head of MI5; Sir John Sawers, head of MI6; and Sir Iain Lobban, head of GCHQ appear before parliaments intelligence and security committee earlier this month. Photograph: PA Wire/EPA Live Sort by: Latest first Oldest first Auto update: On Off 5m ago The White House is nearing a decision on splitting up the NSA and US Cyber Command, which conducts cyber-warfare, Reuters reports, citing individuals brief on the matter. As part of the emerging plan, the NSA likely would get a civilian director for the first time in its 61-year history, the individuals said, reports the news agency. 4h 36m ago Welcome to our hub for all Edward Snowden, NSA and GCHQ-related developments around the world. As arguments rage over how much of our day to day life should be monitored in the name of security, well be tracking the growing global debate about privacy in the digital age. Wed like to know what you think about the whole NSA story, what youre worried about – and any new areas youd like to read more about. Good morning. Here are the headlines: • The parliamentary committee which monitors the security services should be given greater powers to obtain evidence and summon officials, Britain’s former Director of Public Prosecutions, Lord Macdonald, has urged. The intelligence and security committee (ISC), which oversees the work of MI5, MI6 and the monitoring agency GCHQ, should be chaired by a politician from an opposition party and provided with an independent secretariat and legal advice, the Liberal Democrat peer added. The current chair is Sir Malcolm Rifkind, the Conservative former foreign secretary. In a speech entitled Secrecy in Justice – Can it Ever be Fair?, Macdonald said more effective parliamentary oversight of intelligence gathering was vital in the wake of revelations about mass surveillance by GCHQ and the expansion of closed material proceedings (CMPs) , known as secret courts. Macdonald warned that the Justice and Security Act, which introduced both secret hearings into civil courts and partially reformed the ISC, has, unwittingly or not, actually weakened democratic oversight of the security and intelligence agencies. • Opposition politicians in Canada have expressed shock and anger over a report that the NSA conducted widespread surveillance during G8 and G20 meetings in Canada in 2010, the New York Times reports. The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, citing a confidential briefing paper obtained by Edward J. Snowden, the former N.S.A. contractor, reported on Wednesday night that the N.S.A. turned the United States Embassy in Ottawa into a command post for a six-day surveillance operation that coincided with the Group of 20 summit meeting in Toronto and the Group of 8 meeting in Huntsville, Ontario. According to the document, the operation was “closely coordinated with the Canadian partner,” an apparent reference to the Communications Security Establishment Canada, a Canadian electronic surveillance agency. Exactly who or what the N.S.A. was monitoring, however, was unclear from the CBC’s description of the report. The document does indicate, however, that the N.S.A. believed that its mandate during the summit meetings included “providing support to policy makers.” Ill have live coverage of all developments throughout the day here. theguardian/world/2013/nov/29/nsa-files-live-coverage-developments-reaction?guni=Network%20front:network-front%20main-3%20Main%20trailblock:Network%20front%20-%20main%20trailblock:Position2
Posted on: Fri, 29 Nov 2013 16:37:54 +0000

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