NUGS CAN NEVER BE IN THE POCKET OF ANY INDIVIDUAL. The whole nation woke up on November, 4 to a newspaper banner headlines on the front page of the ‘Daily Post’ that reads “LEADERSHIP OF NUGS TOO IN AKUFFO ADDO’S POCKET..... and they go pay obeisance to him ...... ready to be used like some labour leaders against governmentâ€. The leadership of NUGS thought it expedient to appropriately respond to this malicious, Machiavellian, whimsical, and diabolic accusation orchestrated by some mischievous people who are bent on destroying the good image of NUGS and for that matter the Ghanaian student front in their desperate attempt to win cheap political points at all cost. This mischievous move by the “Daily Post†is not deserving of our response at all but we felt compelled to do that for the sake of our constituents whose fears we wish to allay. We wish to on behalf of our noble Union state categorically and without any modicum of contradiction that there is absolutely no aorta of truth in that misleading story. It is a complete fabrication by the newspaper and their surrogates and should therefore be disregarded with all the disdain that it deserves and with alacrity. One of the basic standards of journalism or news reportage and rule of natural justice requires that all parties to an issue are given the opportunity to be heard. This is very basic that every ‘primary child’ knows and we expect the daily post newspaper that claims to be credible media house to have known better. If you read the story, none of us was spoken to for ‘our side of the matter’; yet they judged us and even proceeded to ‘slap us’ with a monumental indictment. No wonder there is a growing hew and cry about the rapid decline in the standard of journalism in the country. It is sad to note that today, in Ghana, many journalists and media houses tend to malign reputable individuals and organizations in their desperate attempts to make money and also satisfy their paymasters. What a shame! Hon. Martin Amidu was right when he referred to such media houses as rented press. Since when has it become an offense for any union or organization to pay a courtesy call on respected statesmen including leaders of major political parties in the country? Those who know NUGS very well will attest to the fact that it has always been the tradition of NUGS to pay courtesy calls on institutions and individuals whom we deem as our partners in addressing the concerns of our members. We have done that across the political divide and will continue to do that. The “Daily Post†can continue to pick and choose which one they wish to do propaganda with even at the expense of other serious national issues deserving media attention. NUGS leadership is not deterred by this failed attempt by the newspaper to discredit the union. We shan’t allow any media organization to set the agenda for us. We wish to reaffirm our unwavering conviction that the delegates to the last NUGS congress gave us their mandate on the basis of meritocracy rather than cronyism, ‘moneycracy’ and partisan consideration as the diabolic story sought to suggest. We have sworn an oath to protect and defend the interest of the students of Ghana and shall always stand by that firm commitment without fear or favour. Our allegiance is to none other than the students of this country. There is no doubt that we are going to be judged by our deeds rather than what people say about us without any legitimate reason. We wish to inform all and sundry that we have initiated moves to compel the newspaper to retract the diabolic story and render an unconditional apology to the union for dragging her name into disrepute by Friday, November, 7th 2014 or else we shall advise ourselves. In as much as NUGS acknowledges the media as our number one ally and wish to always maintain a good relationship with; we shall vehemently resist any attempt by any media house to take us for granted; because we owe it a duty to always protect the sanctity and good image of the union. As we conclude, the leadership of NUGS wish to once again assure the students of Ghana that they should keep calm because the union is in safe hands and we shall unconditionally discharge our mandate in vindication of the confidence they have reposed in us. We appreciate their support and cooperation this far. Aluta continua! Victory Ascerta! Long live NUGS Long live Student Activism Long live Mother Ghana Thank you. Signed: Prosper Dzitse President +233546580044 +233501336136
Posted on: Thu, 06 Nov 2014 13:53:05 +0000

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