NUTS AND PHYTIC ACID: SHOULD YOU BE CONCERNED? MY ANSWER IS NO, IF YOU HAVE MIXED DIET WITH HIGH INTAKE IF DAIRY AND LOWER INTAKE OF FOODS WITH LOW CALCIUM/PHOSPHORUS RATIO SUCH AS CEREALS AND MEAT This is an excerpt of the most important part of the article: Besides, you wouldn’t want to completely eliminate phytate from your diet, even if it were possible. There are a number of possible beneficial health effects of a moderate amount of phytic acid which I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention, like: Phytic acid can inhibit calcium crystallzation and reduce kidney stone development. If you have hemachromatosis – a tendency to absorb too much iron – you actually want to reduce your iron absorption, and dietary phytic acid can (famously) do just that. It’s also one of the only iron chelators that does not induce lipid peroxidation or the formation of reactive oxygen species (PDF). If you’re trying to absorb more iron – maybe you’re pregnant or anemic – taking some vitamin C with the phytic acid will inhibit its iron-binding ability (PDF). Phytate may also be an effective anti-cancer agent with the curious tendency to ignore the healthy cells and focus only on the cancerous ones. Read more: marksdailyapple/nuts-and-phytic-acid/#ixzz2aJrkZhzM N.B. Dairy and all foods high in phytic acid are the best foods for persons with iron storage problems, including metabolic syndrome, chronic inflammatory diseases and some cancers. In addition persons with these disorders should avoid high consumption of red meat and multivitamin supplements containing iron.
Posted on: Sun, 28 Jul 2013 07:04:20 +0000

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