#NUTSHELL – OCTOBER 19th — SHOW A LITTLE KINDNESS – John 13:35-37: In the theaters and on Broadway the musical, Les Miserable drew large crowds to see Victor Hugo tell the story of Jean Valjean. The issue for Valjean was that he was a thief, if we view his offense through moral relativism that he only stole a loaf of bread to feed his sister’s starving children; I must admit the punishment didn’t seem to fit the crime, he was put in jail for nineteen years. He served his time and was released penniless and left to roam on the streets. The more of this street-living, the harder Valjean’s heart grew. He couldn’t find work because he was an ex-con, but he finally makes his way to the home of a good old bishop-preacher who gives him supper and a bed for the night. He serves Valjean using his best silver platters and candlesticks, which catches Valjean’s eye and he recognizes as being highly valuable. The lust of the eye can sure lead to yielding to temptation, driven by the desire to have those silver plates, Valjean steals them from the bishop and slips away from the home that showed kindness and grace to him. It wasn’t long that he was caught and returned by the police. When shown the silver plates, the bishop says to the apprehending policeman, “Why I gave them to him.” The bishop then turned to the thief, Valjean and says, “and Jean, you forgot to take the candlesticks.” A shocked and eternally grateful Valjean accepts the candlesticks as more than valuable silver pieces, but as an expression of love beyond measure. This act of kindness led to true repentance and a changed life. John 13:35 says, “By this shall all men know that you are My disciples if you have love one for another.” Who knows which person might be impacted by your act of kindness today? What may seem little to you may be great in the eyes of a person in need of love and direction. It’s good to be a Christian and know it, but it’s better to be a Christian and show it!
Posted on: Sun, 19 Oct 2014 11:01:21 +0000

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