Najar for Jhumlawang Community Health Centre Jhumlawang, July - TopicsExpress


Najar for Jhumlawang Community Health Centre Jhumlawang, July 18, 2013. Najar is Padma Linkha Magars debut album. Strong believer of have to do whatever we can do for improvement of lives, she has decided to donate the entire amount collected from the album for the operation of the Jhumlawang Community Health Centre. Lyricist Padma, born in Mamling, Sankhuwasabha of Eastern Nepal, became member of Jhumlawang village, Rukum of Mid-Western Nepal by marriage nearly two decades ago. From the very beginning of the establishment of JVF-Nepal, she has been actively involved in plans, programmes and projects along with her husband Durlabh Magar from New York, USA. Her latest initiative is dedicating her music album and its profits to establish fund for continuous operation of Community Health Centre being operated by JVF in Jhumlawang. The entire amount generated from the sale of the CD, CRBT/PRBT will be collected in the JVF fund for Health Centre. Everyone is doing whatever they can from every corner of the world for the development of our village, she said, Its very inspiring. She says she is doing her duty towards the community as well through her words and music, just like other members of the community, partners and supporters. The album, Najar was formally inaugurated by honourable Chancellor of Nepal Music and Drama Academy, Musician Amber Gurung in Kathmandu dated on June 22, 2013. It has total of seven songs. Musician Rajesh Thapa is the music composer while vocals are given by Nepals famous singers: Rajesh Payal Rai, Rima Gurung, Anju Panta, Sworup Raj Acharya, Deepak Limbu, Udaya Sotang and Sangeeta Rana. Songs like Gunaso chha aaphai sanga..., Timro muhar..., Najar bata tadha..., Mero sansar timi nai hau... have been receiving very positive response from audience. JVF family would like to thank all the supporting hands involved to bring out the music album in the market. We acknowledge the efforts made by musician Rajesh Thapa who also took the responsibility of recordings and managements, singers, technical assistants, cover designer, Landmark Architects and Nistha Music Pvt. Ltd. We cannot forget Mr. Tibbat Darlami for his constant concerns and suggestions during the production of this album. Jhumlawang Community Health Centre, one of the major projects of JVF-Nepal was open for basic health facilities as soon as buildings main section was completed in October 2012. In 2010, the health centre project began after community felt the urgent need of hospital nearby as they had to walk for days to reach hospitals even for minor treatment. JVFs target is to gradually upgrade infrastructures of health post and establish 15 bed hospital in 10 years. For now, it is open for basic health facilities to Jhumlawang villagers and people from neighbouring villages which make of about 25,000 in population. Hoping for a Horizon: Stories of loss and survival. Smita Magar, Jhumlawang, 24th January 2013 I hope nurses and doctors will come soon, Nar Bahadur Sunar says with a wistful smile, Then no one will have to go through the nightmare my wife and I had to. His hopes are high after the Community Health Center in the village formally kicked off with the basic health services from October. Six years back, Nar Bahadurs 41 year-old wife Bhim Kumari had a miscarriage which nearly took her life. It was her fourth miscarriage. This miscarriage left her critically ill for more than a year. The frequent miscarriage Bhim Kumari suffered was due to the lack of care and regular check-ups. Such luxuries, in terms of the safety of mother and unborn child during pregnancy, were out of question as there were no hospitals nearby. She was four months pregnant when she lost her child, again. She was suffering from heavy blood loss and an unimaginable pain that left her unconscious for days. Nar Bahadur carried her on his back for two days to reach the hospital in district headquarter Khalanga for treatment. On the way I would anxiously wait for her to groan, he says, heart breaking as it was to hear but it conformed she was alive. When they reached the district hospital at Khalanga, Bhim Kumari was almost non-responsive. The medicine needed for her treatment was not available at the hospital so they had to wait for one more day to get the medicine from Kathmandu on a helicopter. After few days she was referred to Mahendra hospital in Dang. Five more days of walk took them to the hospital and she stayed there for a month to recover. Now, a healthy woman, Bhim Kumari is using contraceptives and is mother of 3 children. Nar Bahadur says he is still unable to pay back the loan he took for hospital charges. Seems like this loan will extend to our children, he says with a frown across his forehead. But in a second his frown changes into a broad smile as he looks at his wife and pronounces, But, she is alive! Not everyone is lucky. The lack of health center or a hospital nearby has left many lives bereft and grief-stricken in the village. Almost every delivery takes place at home, alone, without skilled birth attendants, risking the lives of both mother and newborn child. Poverty, lack of awareness, early marriage and early motherhood leads to the complications. Preventive reproductive health issues become a challenge while many lives are lost due to lack of proper care and timely diagnosis. The pain of losing a wife and an infant of Til Bahadur hit Kamara Shrestha in 2009 when his wife died because of childbirth complications. She already had suffered from two complicated deliveries and newly born children had died soon after birth. Compared to other women Dhokashari had weak health and each child birth left her weaker and sicker, Kamara says. So, when Dhokashari, 28, got pregnant again Kamara wanted to go for a check-up. But, they were building a house and days were comparatively busier. She didnt want to go for check-ups, he says, She used to say that the hospital was too far. During delivery, traditional midwives were called but they were not able to help. The infant had died in the womb and there was excessive bleeding. After struggling for two long days Dhokashari was barely conscious. With her health further deteriorating, in the middle of the night, Kamara carried her in a basket to take her to district hospital Salle. She breathed her last breath at Chhing; a place far from home, a place far from the hospital. Every day I pray that even my enemy should not have to go through such pain, Kamara says. And, with a health post in a village, he is happy his prayer is in a process of being answered. I am very happy. Now, our women will be able to go for regular check-ups and get long-needed help in time, he adds with a smile. Kamaras hopes and smile touches Til Bahadurs who believes the new generation will not have to suffer the way they had to with the hospital in the village. Now, we are just in need for good doctors and nurses, he smiles, I hope they will come soon. Year 2012: Not the End. But A New Beginning! Smita Magar, Jhumlawang, 1st January 2013 While other side of the world was worried about the supposed end of the world, people of Jhumlawang were rejoicing. For them, the year of 2012 had brought a fruit of their hard work, cooperation and togetherness: the Community Health Centre opened to provide basic health facilities. One of the major projects of the Jhumlawang Village Foundation (JVF-NEPAL), the Community Health Centre, formally began to provide basic health services from October 29. Once it comes into full operation, the centre will be providing its services not only to people from Jhumlawang but also to more than 25,000 people from neighbouring villages who have been suffering from basic health issues: chicken pox, stomach upset, cholera, fever, diarrhoea, flu, cuts and burns. It will be a relief for children and women who are more prone to basic health issues and infections. For years we had been dreaming for a health centre at the door, Raj Bahadur Gurung, JVF Field Co-ordinator expresses his delight, Now, we dont have to travel days to have a basic treatment. He informed that one full time Community Medical Assistant (Shiva Kumar Magar) and a Pharmacist (Parbati Gurung) are always in the health centre to provide services for needy ones. Two part time staffs (Rekha Maya Magar & Sita Magar) are also there to provide their assistance. After nearly two years of ground preparation, the construction work of the project had started on 25th November 2010. For now, main completed section of a building is put in operation for basic health facilities while the construction work of other sections will continue. Much is yet to be done, says Kush Buddha, an International Coordinator for JVF-Nepal, Our plan is to run health camps with volunteer doctors, nurses, midwife and other medical experts in very near future. Buddha added that the main goal is to gradually upgrade infrastructures and establish 15 Bed Hospital within 10 years of time. Appreciating all the efforts and helping hands from individual to community to organizations from around the world Buddha says while there is a long way to go, the opening of the health centre for basic health facilities is a milestone. A milestone for further development of not only health centre but also other projects that are underway in the village. The combined effort and belief towards our goal has brought this positive outcome, he said, We are thankful to everyone who have supported us throughout our journey and hope the goodwill relationship we share continues. The concrete journey for the health centre had started when Veronique Chenat from Association Humanitaire Partage et Soins, France organized two health camps in 2008 & 2009 in the village. The dream of having health services closer to the home brought the community together in working towards the idea of building the health post in the village. The members of community donated plots of land in their loved ones memories while making a commitment to do the work of at least 25 % of total budget. On the way, individuals, groups and organizations lent their supports in realizing this dream. The plots of land for the project were donated by two villagers: Mr Gaj Bahadur Gurung and Mrs Thum Kumari Budha in memory of their sons whom they lost in separate accidents. The estimated budget for the project is €65,000. The Association Humanitaire Partage et Soins generously has committed itself to contribute €58,000. Diaspora members are contributing not only with their expertise but also by giving about 5% of their earnings and by co-coordinating fundraising events around the world for this project of JVF-NEPAL as well as for upcoming ones. Apart from partner Partage et Soins and community contribution there are other individuals who have raised money for medical equipment and medicine. Dr Heli Vaterlaws and Lorry Williams organized fund raising event and raised £406.50. Similarly- Swansea University staff raised £218.65 during St Davids Day & Gareth Ayres raised £325.20 participating London Marathon in 2012. As the first and one of the major projects under Jhumlawang Village Foundation (JVF-NEPAL), the opening of the Community Health Centre for basic health centre is much awaited fruit of everyone associated with the project. With this encouraging news in mind, JVF-Nepal will be working harder in mobilizing community, Diaspora members, and getting supports from like-minded people and organizations to work on sustainable development of the village. Remembering Roots- Connection of Hopes and Dreams! Jhumlawange in Bijayawada form JVF Bijayawada Committee in India to cherish memories and stay in touch with their root. Chennai, Oct 27, 2011 Wishes alone cant fulfill our desires; I have realized that much, Dilsara Setimore, 76, let out heavy sigh and continued, I dont have money to return home. On a rainy day of 1973, Dilsara had carried her 2 year old son Sundarlal on one arm and small bundle of clothes on other and had left Jhumlawang for Bijaura/Vijayawada. Her cousin brothers had been working in South Indian town Vijayawada for many years. So, when she came to the city, she had stayed with her brothers until she was able to be on her own working as a house helper. Soon, its going to be 4 decades since she saw Jhumlawang for the last time. But, she says time has not made any difference in her memories. I remember everything, she said, Life was tough there but I miss it. Referring to curse-phrase yek paile bhayes (may your footprint never return back) she added, It seems, I have become the cursed one. I guess, like my brothers I will also die here, eyes brimming with tears her voice cracked, Narpati bhai died here, then Dhanpati this foreign land all of them took their last breath. Her son Sundarlal (Lal Bahadur Setimore) looked at her nostalgic expression and sadly smiled, Whenever somebody from village visits her, she is becomes emotional like this. He says he has no memory of village but feels connected through his mothers constant mentioning of it. Among the 150 people in Bijayawada who are originally from Jhumlawang Sundarlals family is among the very few families who are considered economically stable. We are surviving, for now he said, But, I cant afford to fall sick. If it happens then surviving will be a very difficult thing to do. He owns a shop and sometimes does extra job as security guard. He is not learned man but his son Bharat Kumar and daughter Pujita are studying in college. Almost all of the Jhumlawange in Bijayawada are working as security guard. Some of them are doing double duty to earn bread for their family. However, they are not compromising in their childrens education. No matter how difficult it gets, we are not compromising with their education, said Nim Bahadur Sunar (son of Aashbir Sunar Aashe). His children (two daughters and a son) are studying in school. Like Sundarlal, he also has no memory of village as he was born and brought up in Bijayawada. But, he has the images of village from stories his parents told him. He also knows that he has some ancestral land in Jhumlawang so after he retires he wants to go back there and make a living. My children want to go and visit right now but I need to save money, make plans and go ahead, he said, Its going to take time but I see myself in the village where my parents came from. Kamal Ramjali, whose great grandparents had come to the city in search of work and had stayed here, have been making plans to visit Jhumlawang. Within few years I will visit my ancestral home, he says, I feel like it is calling me. These lingering memories, nostalgic feelings and connection to their ancestor land are shared by generations of Jhumlawange who have been here for more than half a century. They dream of going back home and living on their ancestors land. That dream, to some extend may sound too much of a romanticized to be true as they have settled their life here to some level. May be because they are aware of it that they are always enthusiastic about knowing what is happening in the village. Its one way of connecting ourselves to our ancestor land and relatives, Bharat K. Setimore said, We feel connected to our root. Its with this desire of knowing more about the village and if possible to be able to help in villages projects he was interested in the establishment of JVF-Nepals Vijayawada Committee, Andhra Pradesh, India. He is holding the position of General Secretary in the branch committee that was formed in September. A 16-member JVF-Bijayawada committee was formed with the purpose of keeping-in-touch with relatives back home. While it will be difficult to help monetarily for JVF-Nepals different projects in village they are trying their best to be of some help in making village a role model. Our best wishes are always there, Nar Bahadur Ramjali (Narlal), President of JVF-Bijayawada said, Apart from wishes, we are also trying to collect some fund for building sajha-ghar/Cultural Center. He has been in Bijayawada for more than 20 years but has visited home twice in between We are extremely happy about all the development aspects happening in the village, Narlal added, It feels even better to be able to participate in village development this way. He said through the committee they will be keeping in touch with whole Jhumlawange around the world and try to take part in development work of village projects. Smita Magar smitamagar JVF in America! New York, August 15, 2011. Jhumlawang Village Foundation USA has been established with the sole purpose of recruiting skilled volunteers and conducting fundraising programs for the various projects run by Jhumlawang Village Foundation (JVF) in Jhumlawang, Rukum, Nepal. Although the head office of the foundation is based in New York City, skilled volunteers will be recruited from California office, said Mr. Kush Budha, International Coordinator of Jhumlawang Village Foundation (JVF) Nepal. From now on, friends and well-wishers of JVF can donate online for ongoing and future projects through PayPal by visiting our website from around the world. As Jhumlawang Village Foundation USA is a registered 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization, financial contributions and in-kind donations from U.S. residents will be tax-deductible to the extent provided by law, Mr. Budha added. Ram Maya gets Rajkumari Scholarship Jhumlawang, Nepal - February 21, 2011 - Talented student Ram Maya Shrestha was awarded Rajkumari Scholarship on Monday. Grade 2 student of Shree Prathamik Bidhyalay (Primary School) Jhumlawang, 12 year old Ram Maya will get Nepali Rs. 1,200 annually from Rajkumari Memorial Trust. Ram Maya lost her mother in her early childhood. Ever since her father got married second time, she has been living with her maternal grandmother. More than anything, she wants to study as in future she wants to be someone successful, educated and useful to the society. However, due to financial problems, her family is not even able to buy stationery items necessary for her. So, understanding her situation and respecting her dreams, the Trust had decided to give her some helping hand. Rajkumari Memorial Trusts Chairperson Ram Bahadur Budha handed over the scholarship to Ram Maya. He hopes that the money, though small in amount, will be helpful in achieving her dreams through education. The Memorial Trust is established in the remembrance of Budhas late daughter Rajkumari Budha. The main objective of the trust is to encourage girls to have an education. For latest work progress photo report of the project, please click on this picture. Contact: JVF Team Kathmandu, Nepal Jhumlawang, Nepal - February 21, 2011 - Twenty students of Shree Prathamik Bidhyalay, Jhumlawang were handed over the stationery matters to help them in their studies on Monday. One of our France based partner organisations - Association Partages which focuses on supporting children in their education and basic health awareness provided those materials to students. Mr Sher Bahadur Shrestha, President of Jhumlawang Primary School Management Committee, handed those stationery materials to students studying in grade one to five. Stationery matters included pen/pencils, geometry boxes, colour papers, drawing papers and students were also given soaps to encourage healthy habits. Association Partage gives these supports in every 3 months. These stationaries are given to the students with financial problem and those who need encouragement in studies. For latest work progress photo report of the project, please click on this picture. On the occasion, President Shrestha thanked the Association Partages Villeplane for its continues support and helping student on shaping their future. For these children in this small corner of the world, these materials are priceless, he said, We can never be able to thank the organization for giving these students encouragement and helping hand in their studies. Name lists of the students who received the stationery supports this month are given below: Name (class) Bhagyasari Gurung (1) Suman B.K (1) Jun Prasad B.K (1) Prem Kumari B.K (1) Bishal Budha (1) Dhani Siris (1) Milina Gurung (1) Anita B.K (A) (2) Anita B.K (B) (2) Karma Kumari Malla (2) Mohani Rana (2) Binod B.K (2) Ritu B.K (2) Neb Bahadur B.K (2) Sharmila Shrestha (3) Gore B.K (3) Prem Shrestha (3) Thani Shrestha (4) Tek Man Shrestha (4) Topebdra Roka (5) Construction for Community Health Center takes off Kathmandu, Jan 14 - For Gaj Bahadur Gurung and Thum Kumari Budha of Jhumlabang village not a single day passes by without the thought, If there was a hospital nearby, I would still have my child with me. They lost their grown-up sons in separate accidents few years back. If there was a hospital in village or neighboring village there were chances of their childrens survival. It is with this realization; they had donated the plots of land for the Community Health Center (CHC) project of JVF-NEPAL in memory of their sons. With the dream that one day others will not be as helpless as they were. This dream of theirs along with other villagers is becoming a reality. The CHCs construction work has started from 25th November and JVF-NEPAL has aimed to complete the building construction by the end of this year. JVF-NEPAL hopes to operate CHC from beginning of 2012. It will serve not only community members of Jhumlawang (850 people), but more than 25,000 people coming from around the region who have been suffering from basic health issues for years. The project is combined effort of the community members, friends of JVF members and well-wishers from around the world. It is particularly funded by Association Humanitaire Partage et Soins (AHPS), a France based organization. The estimated budget for the project is € 65,000.00 (Sixty Five Thousand Euro) of which AHPS has committed to contribute € 58,000.00. Community Center Building Project In the meantime, The Community Cultural Centre (TCCC)s foundation work has started. However, due to the lack of fund and skilled manpower, the work beyond that has been halted for time being. JVF-NEPAL aims to complete the multi-purpose community house by end of 2011. Once it is completed, it will function as meeting/training hall which will accommodate around 50 people, as wells as 2 double bed rooms for our guests/ volunteers and a library. The plot of land for this project was donated by Ram Prasad Gurung, in memory of his late parents. The estimated budget of this project is € 45,000.00. The community members of the village are working voluntarily to contribute at least 25% of the total budget for each project. Diaspora members are contributing with their expertise and by giving about 5% of their earnings. They are also co-ordinating fundraising events around the world for this and upcoming future projects of JVF-NEPAL. One of JVF-NEPALs Diaspora members, the Architect Mr Ajay Magar is leading a team of four sub-civil engineers- Mr Chhaya Budha, Mr Laxman Budha, Mr Tejendra Budha and Mr Shyam Thapa (all from Jhumlawang) to design these projects and oversee over all construction of the buildings. Celebrating Maghe Sankranti with difference Smita Magar Kathmandu, 15th Jan 2011 On the first day of Nepali month Magh, (15th January) all Nepalese wake up to celebrate Maghe Sankranti as per their social, geographical and cultural background. While almost everyone enjoys it with special dishes made out of pure ghee and sweets like laddoo, fruits and sweet potatoes they have different reasons and beliefs about this festival. One of the Nepals indigenous communities Tharu celebrates it as the New Year while Hindus have religious belief of salvation behind its celebration. In Jhumlawang, Maghe Sankranti is celebrated as the festival to worship sisters. It is like a sister-day. And, unlike a day celebration in other parts of the country, Jhumlawang celebrates it for 3 full days. On the first day of festival, all brothers are busy worshipping their sisters with nishro. A plate full of delicious foods, fruits, rice and some money is called Nishro which they gift to their sisters. It is also given to the cousin sisters so, whole day they are busy distributing it around the village and neighboring villages. Second day of festival is also ladies day. Early morning, girls form a group and go for Magh khane, like a picnic. They take all the food items, especially rice with them. As it is believed that they have to finish rice that day itself, they cook different food items out of it and enjoy the eating whole day. In between, they dance, sing and play different games as well. In the evening, girls gather at chautara (meeting place of village) where all ages villagers are already there celebrating the festival by singing, dancing folk dance -paicharu and children playing ping and dhanu kadh (archery). The girls then dance Hompai - a traditional dance. Through dance they make spectators laugh out loud with their funny moves and techniques. The third day is celebrated with Taro hanne (archery competition) among men. Whoever hits the bull eye gets special treatment. They carry him round the village and feed them with delicious foods. Indigenous/ Magar culture expertise say this archery competition is a way of teaching/preparing the coming generation of hunting. This way, Maghe Sankranti is celebrated with difference in Jhumlawang and neighboring villages as the sister worshipping festival. Just like in Tihar, the festival of light, sisters worship their brothers, in this festival it is the sisters that are worshipped. This culture also points out that women are respected or at least tried to be given equal grounds. With that we can also say it is the festival that respects the siblings bond. Wish you a Happy Maghe Sankranti!!!
Posted on: Fri, 14 Mar 2014 11:19:36 +0000

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