Namha shivaye Plz read & share Kolkatta Shivir DAY 4: Shiv - TopicsExpress


Namha shivaye Plz read & share Kolkatta Shivir DAY 4: Shiv Yog goes by the simple rule. Just by coming and attending shivirs does not guarantee health or success. Guarantee is when you practice what you are taught here.The first 21 days are crucial. If you honestly Honesty is the best policy but in Shiv Yog we say honesty is the ONLY policy. Honesty at the physical level, mental and spiritual level. We speak lies at all times to the world and then we start even lying to our own selves. Ask your self. Where am I going wrong? Where do I have to correct myself? No one from outside can give you anything. Not even God. Even to satisfy your hunger you yourself have to eat. Even if the food is served in front of you, it is YOU who have to eat. I have served you food, now you have to eat. I have come to make sadhaks not bhakts. I have not come to create lazy people who say Guru or God will do everything. Every day break one limitation. Make efforts. Do karmas. Create goals. Word hard. Baba ji taught early morning, the sacred divine sadhna that was taught to him by a Yogi, who once when sick to the point of dying, entered an ashram in a different dimension. There he lived for sometime where he was taught the sacred sadhna and kriyas by the Yogis living there. He mastered those practices that made him revive and left the place totally healthy. He was asked by the Yogis not to return but later when he tried to visit this ashram, he found there was no ashram there. This Yogi then had taught these sacred sadhna and kriyas to Baba ji that Baba ji teaches every one in the shivir. Be aware of what you ask, even when you ask for experiences. Even I have been through all this. There were times in my young days when I had asked my Guru to give me full experience and the experiences were so strong that I had to plead to stop. Even once when I was doing sadhana in Maa Kalis temple in the South, doors were closed once when I went there. I asked angrily Maa, do you really exisit?Immediately, my body started bending fully backwards to the point that I thought my body would break. Then something held me and I said Yes, Maa you are there! So, be careful of what you ask or say during sadhna. Today were healing sessions that came as a big surprise. As usual, teams were singing turn by turn sankirtans and Babaji arrived on the stage. He called the group that was singing on to the stage and divided them quickly into groups and made them sit at both His sides. He walked among them and practically taught them step by step with His talks containing full sense of humour. Then everyone in the hall sat in groups and learnt healing. After the healing sessions, everyone who were on the stage shared their amazing experiences, many of them healed of their ailments. Soon, the mics went into the crowd and people shared their experiences. The sharings were so many that they had to be stopped to save time. Healing experiences ranged from self healing to healing others to people healing their crops to experiences through Durga Saptshati to mystical experiences with the Divine. In the evening Babaji spoke about the various bhasms and churna. He spontaneously gave solutions of herbal and ayurvedic formulas for various ailments. The Kolkata shivir saw sadhaks taking the herbal product SHIVYA which is a churna that was formulated by Babaji and produced and distributed by Dr. Sanjeev Choudhrys, CEO of Super Religare Laboratories. Baba ji welcomed sadhaks to organise Durga Saptshati and Babaji would look out for the dedicated sadhaks, who would be trained in higher orientation programs. Babaji wishes to train a special set of sadhaks for vision problems. The Durga Sapthsati event would be a 2-day program for which all the DVDs would be made available by the ashram. This would include the training audio-visual for the sadhaks willing to organize these DSS events. Baba ji mentioned about the power of thought as to how with proper focus and concentration unimaginable things can be done. He explained it with a pendulum dowser how ones subconscious mind works through it. Baba ji mentioned about an experience in Bhopal few months ago during a shivir. It was a clear sky with a warm temperature and Babaji mentioned that collectively even if all strongly feel that it would rain, it could manifest. All strongly experimented by feeling strongly about the rain and that night it rained. Next day all though surprised many accounted it to co- incidence. Babaji asked everyone to do it again and the same afternoon it rained again. Babaji was mentioning how a common goal of Lokah Samastha Sukhino Bhavanthu could be achieved by ShivYog sadhaks with collective divine work. Baba ji stressed about the importance of healing the house. Baba ji highlighted how people are not bad but many times are influenced by the energies. If the energies of the house is low, it is very usual to see people of such homes ill, irritated, etc. He reminded everyone to check in the shivir hall itself, how the people next to them behaved and how they behave today, which is the result of the positive vibrations of the sadhna everyone is doing. He asked not to keep things accumulated in one place for more than three years at home as stagnant articles begin emitting negative vibrations. Either they be repositioned or be sold off. Nms be blessed nd happy alwayzzz 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
Posted on: Wed, 14 Jan 2015 02:47:10 +0000

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