Nasrallah: The resistance is not only strong, but it is stronger - TopicsExpress


Nasrallah: The resistance is not only strong, but it is stronger and more capable on the human, financial, and military levels. It is more ready for victory. We are not with anyone going to Syria to weaken it. From the beginning we said we are with dialogue and reform and we are not with implementing strategic choices in Syria. Nasrallah in response to president Michel Suleiman: What is golden remains golden, even if someone changes their opinion about it and said it became wooden. Others description of things does not change the reality of these things. How can someone allow themselves to say the golden has become wooden? We have no problem with wood as it is used to make coffins for Israeli soldiers. And now after THREE years, the Arab league now wants a political solution for Syria.After what?After the destruction & hardship? We told you from the beginning to go with a political solution rather than a military one. You refused. We didnt violate Syrias sovereignty. Hezbollah entered Syria with government approval. Let me say near the borders of Occupied Palestine, in Ayneta of SLebanon that the resistance is stronger/more capable than ever. The Israelis are well aware that this Resistance is strong and has become stronger. Resistance is not political, it does not belong to any party, neither to Amal, nor to Hezbollah, it is cultural. Sayyed Nasrallah: Speech on 29/03/2014 Some people wants us to isolate ourselves from the regions issues, however, Jabal Amel scholars and despite the poor situation had always been in support for the regions causes, not only in Syria, Palestine or Iraq but also in Libya We inherit from these scholars this culture, mentality and conception There is always a big challenge named the Zionist scheme, and the challenge still exists, some are trying to ignore it or consider it non-existent, this is a great sin. The only choice is the resistance. The debate on the resistance choice had always been a matter of controversy. There had never been a concensus over the resistance, whos saying that is mistaken. “Some people do not know that the resistance in Lebanon exists since 1948 because they do not know what the resistance means. The Lebanese resistance existed since the first moment of the occupation and it gained its legitimacy since that moment” They know nothing about what border villages witness, nor do they know about the Zionist violation to our land, sea and air. “The resistance issue is holier and deeper than a tiny problem with a party or organization. Every offense against the resistance is an offense to everyone who represent the resistance and not to a specific group and this characterization will have consequences. Sayyed Nasrallah: I want to announce today from this liberated place that the resistance today as it was in July, is stronger and more capable at all levels “Gold will always be gold. If gold was in front of us and someone said that it’s tin or wood it doesnt mean that it has become so. Whatever other say about us, we will always be gold despite their view. Gold will never change its nature. Lebanon’s gold does not exist in the whole world, and with wood, the Lebanese had built coffins of Israeli soldiers, and will continue to exist for each occupier to this holy land. “The problem with us in the Syrian issue is our political position and not our military intervention which came after the intervention of everyone. Since the first day we said were not with this conflict nor with the overthrow of the regime or government. “Today, the Turkish government discusses that there is a shrine for the grandfather of the greatest sons of Ottoman, whom Nasrullah does not know his name, and considers that it’s a Turkish right to intervene militarily in Syria to protect this shrine. We went to Syria to defend the Holy shrine of Sayyeda Zainab (AS) which is respected and loved by all Muslims. The battle in Syria has reached this stage as a result of the size of the regional and international intervention to what is related to the resistance, its existence and identity.
Posted on: Sat, 29 Mar 2014 18:01:25 +0000

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