National Forest Homeowners Forum in Medford,Oregon September 12 - TopicsExpress


National Forest Homeowners Forum in Medford,Oregon September 12 through September 15,2013. As a member of the Board of Directors of the National Forest Homeowners I went to the Forum in Medford. The first day was a tour of cabins located on National Forests around that area of Oregon. It was very interesting and folks were much like us here in Minnesota on the Chippewa National Forest. The first grouping of cabins we went to were known as the Union Creek Cabins. They were scatterred along a beautiful little creek. With a path that went along behind all of the cabins joining them together. The cabins were modest and not large ones. With huge spruce trees towering above them as well as some hardwoods. The cabin owners were nice down to earth folks. The second bunch of cabins was located near Diamond Lake and were known as the Diamond Lake Tract. They were a little higher in elevation. If they go to visit their cabins in winter they have to go by snowmobile and enter the cabin on the second story through a window. Cabins only accessable by car for 4 months due to snow. They did not have lake shore but had a trail that was an access used by several cabins to the lake. Where they had docks. And there was a speed limit on the lake of only 10 mph. But it was surrounded by mountains. It was very pretty. Then off to look at Crater Lake National Park. I had never been there and found it to be very pretty. Then to some cabins on a flowage to Klamath Lake. Those were more like homes with several bedrooms and bathrooms. Then off to Lake of the Woods where our driver ( in my car ) Brad Aspel vice president of the National Forest Homeowners took us to his cabin. A lovely large cabin on a lake again surrounded by mountains. He gave us a boad ride around the lake. And then treated us to a steak / salmon dinner. Was a very nice day. The next day , Saturday morning, was spent in the board meeting. We broke for the forum. A lot of talk was done on CFA ( Cabin Fee Act ). Unknown if it will pass. As it has been it is still tied up in The CBO ( Congressional Budget Office ). They have to find it revenue neutral , in other words CFA has to bring in as much money as CUFFA before it will be passed. The bill is in the Energy and Natural Resources Committee of the Senate. They want to have a hearing also before bill goes any further. At the Forum it was asked of the panel if there was any back up plan to CFA. The answer was " NO ". But Pete Bailey said they may have to litigate and bring an injunction agains the Forest Service to not collect any more fees until this whole thing is done. Geoff Anderson again underscored the fact that the National Forest Homeowners does not endorse any law firm and as of yet has not plans of litigation. I will be posting more information on this as well. If you have any questions please feel free to call me. Also look at the NationalForestHomeowners website. It has photos ( some of which I took of cabins ) and the forum. Jean K
Posted on: Fri, 27 Sep 2013 02:47:24 +0000

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