Need For Change: Lawrence Pitches Kaipay for Grand Bassa Written - TopicsExpress


Need For Change: Lawrence Pitches Kaipay for Grand Bassa Written by Alpha Daffae Senkpeni, County Correspondent Published: 09 June 2014 Buchanan, Grand Bassa County - Hundreds of Grand Bassa County’s students over the weekend celebrated their post high school festival along with the Liberty Party’s hopeful, Jonathan Lambert Kaipay in the Port City of Buchanan, Grand Bassa County as the county’s first female Senator called for the need to elect Senators who have like minds. Mr. Kaipay who is eyeing the Liberty Party’s ticket to contest the upcoming Senatorial election, opted to sponsor the program which brought together all eleven high schools in Grand Bassa County after the organizers sought support to promote the appreciation for ninth and twelfth graders who successfully completed the WAEC exams. The Liberty Party debutant, who is enjoying much recognition from stalwarts of the opposition political party, especially from its political leader, Cllr. Charles Walker Brumksine and Senator Nyonblee Kangar-Lawrence, appreciated the students for their determination to achieve the level of education so far and stressed the importance for the students to further their education. “We believe you will pursue a path of total independence as an equal partner and contributor not only in your home but also on the national scene and we believe that you are cautious enough not to mortgage your future for peanuts like the one time plea for some politician to pay WAEC fees, but your cautiousness will enable you to make sound decisions,” Kaipay told hundreds of students who were seated in the auditorium of the WPL Brumksine United Methodist School in Buchanan. He told the students that together with them, they can overcome the obstacles and make Bassa a better place. He again lamented the numerous problems affecting the county, outlining the lack of adequate health services while also highlighting the ongoing stalemate over the construction of the District Three Health Center project between the church and the county administration as an example. Reading a statistic of the county’s existing schools, Kaipay asserted: “The conditions of our existing schools are poor; out of 289 structures as per the 2009 education census well over 40% are makeshift and there is an absence of trained teachers and textbooks for schools”. He challenged the students to see themselves as the new ambassadors for change and called on them to be students with the tendency to stand for what is right and just and realize that academic corruption is the major factor for the numerous problems affecting the Liberia’s student populace. Mr. Kaipay who works as the Director of the United Methodist Church Department of Community Services reiterated how his leadership with the church program has effectively managed over US$6 million which has benefited more than a quarter million lives of Liberians. He said Grand Bassa County is at the crossroad and it is at this point that will determine if the county will move forward as a people or remain one of Liberia’s least developed or underdeveloped counties. Like Kaipay, Senator Nyounblee Kangar-Lawrence appreciated the students and praised them for working together as a team in others to organize the program and stressed that their example puts a lot of pressure on the county leaders to unite and work together as a team in the interest of the county. The Liberty Party Lawmaker told the students to exhibit ‘good attitude, commitment, honesty and trustworthiness’ as she dubbed these attributes as the ‘best career’ in Liberia. “We can see that this country is draining down because it is difficult to find committed people and it is very difficult to find honest people, so as you graduate and strive to move forward I want to urge you to be very committed to what you want to do,” Sen. Kangar-Lawrence said. Concluding her remarks at the program, she thanked Mr. Kaipay who birthday’s celebration coincided with the students’ celebration, for sponsoring the students’ initiative and stressed the importance ‘of building a team of very excellent collaboration’ saying: “Because Hon. Kaipay and Senator Lawrence have the same vision and if you have people with like minds, it’s easy to move everything you want to do forward and that’s why we are looking for people with like minds and I’m very glad that now I can see that I will have a partner that will have like minds for us to work together”. The post high school celebration was held under the auspices of the Bassa Student Assembly for Education (BASE), a Grand Bassa based student organization which intends to tackle problems affecting students in the county. BASE President, Patrick Sulloe said the organization focuses on building the capacity of students who are struggling with their lessons and it helps organized tutorial classes for these students. Sulloe said when the post high school program was being organized invitation was extended to all officials of the county with the motive of preventing the event from being politicized by the very officials but only a few showed interest with Mr. Kaipay volunteering to sponsor the program.
Posted on: Mon, 09 Jun 2014 19:33:47 +0000

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