Needing God to help me to have the peace and understanding in this - TopicsExpress


Needing God to help me to have the peace and understanding in this moment. The Devil has showed up and is in attack mode. Anyone who knows Braeleighs story knows we adopted her when she was 10 mths old. I could not have my own children, and God gave me the opportunity to be a mother to this sweet angel. Ajay Singh and I didnt slip up and accidentally have a child, we Chose to take this baby off the streets and give her a life with 2 loving parents. We only had 24 hrs from when we found out about her to make the decision or she was going to be relinquished to the state. We werent looking for a child, heck we were on a trip w/ friends when this happened. Shes 4 years old, and I wish I had 1/2 the courage, will, and grace she has. Well she came home from school telling me that her friends wanted to know why her skin didnt match her daddys skin. Ajay told her its because you take after your mommy. Then I dropped her off this morning and these kids started harassing her about her costume. Brae, always sweet and nice, didnt argue but I found myself stepping in and defending her. I know I cant fight her battles and I am open with her, so I dont hide her adoption. I dont want her to think she wasnt wanted and was given away because she was a burden. I want her to know God knew I needed her as much as she needed me. I want to cry but I have to be strong for her. Again, parents, your children are a reflection of YOU! Make sure they are carrying a good message and loving their fellow brother/sister no matter how different, what their skin color is, how rich/poor, or who they love. Words cut deep!
Posted on: Fri, 31 Oct 2014 12:58:51 +0000

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