Needs Editing. Written some time in May 2013 Who Is The - TopicsExpress


Needs Editing. Written some time in May 2013 Who Is The Raven? Creativity, Art, and Spirituality. In between the construct and the real. Introspection. Saturated with metaphors. Within the fiction contains truth. ... ... “An Experience With Poe”... I decided to take a few books to the mall and read rather than sit and wrestle with this non stop, tortuous claw pecking in my mind. I began dreaming of dreams that I’ve dreamed before. I felt out of body so to speak. The experience happened as I was reading Edgar Allan Poe’s, “The Raven”. Yes, I have dreamed these dreams many times. Manipulation free and unforced. A repeat. Wide-awake. As I began reading “The Raven” in the mall I began having a vision I was in this room. It was a vision of the future. It was a vision of a time in the distant past. The room was dark. Just one person. Poe? I’ve seen this before. I wasn’t the only one with him. Prophet? All this energy. The opening stanza. ””Tis some visitor””. I began to have a new vision. The same one I’ve seen before. In this new, rather refreshed vision, I walked down a staircase with my father. We then walked into a bedroom to have a private conversation. The redundancy seems necessary to explain this supernatural experience. I’ve seen this before. The emphasis seems more important than embracing perfection in grammar. If I had to choose between the two, I say creativity seems more infinite to me while grammar seems very finite. Therefore creativity takes much more precedence to me. After all, Einstein said, “Imagination is more powerful than knowledge”. Sometimes on a caffeine free day I might chose to write one word and put a period. That seems to be the flow on that particular day. Maybe it moves like a song or a poem in these short essays. Maybe I’m just so excited that this “secret”. This information and emotion can finally be manifested in a way that not only the reader but I can understand it. Abstract pictures and movies in my mind that I knew I understood if only I wanted to. Other times I may re read and change the whole thing around. All of these broken thoughts become this abstract collage of pictures in my mind. Can I say it is a puzzle or use the word almost if there never has been a pre determined solution. I try to live everyday in the present. I have not seen my whole life. Actually, figuratively, I see flickers. They go away. I understand it in the moment but some demon that is dreaming…. I don’t know. I go back to the present moment. It is readable. The very fact that something that had never been done before becomes undervalued and unnoticed because some power ,whether dark or light, has implemented a thought that gave grammar and word placement the predominant illusion of dominance. Just the thought that this poem has been interpreted even to the slightest extent makes one ask, what year was this written? With no editor and no money in my pocket does an impulsive anxious attitude devalue this short essay entry because it is on facebook. After all I wanted to get this unique epiphany up as soon as these sudden bursts of creativity come. I don’t have to face rejection. I can hit the submit button and walk away and it is still up there. Amazing. One reader and then bam, into the main frame. Back to the topic. It seems I have seen these visions only when I would have a thought about Poe or his poem” The Raven”. The last vision mentioned related to the chamber door. What I’ve seen in vision over and over throughout my lifetime came to pass today. I only realized it after the fact. I was reading Poe at the mall. Even after my mind went off Poe and The Raven I believe Poe was still with me. Call me very spiritual and creative. There, now I’m free. I had a bit of a stomachache and went to the public restroom to regurgitate. I did not realize the power of one thought. Those times in my past I would read and ignore those experiences. Maybe I felt I wasn’t that significant. How could there be truth to those experiences? It was only an appetizer. I did not realize I was only in the shallow end of the pool with capabilities of swimming in the deep end. I have always been a dreamer none the less. Yesterday, as I read certain lines I would seem to have these spiritual experiences and visions that were exactly the same every time at random points throughout my lifetime. I experienced these Edgar Allen Poe related dreams again today. My imagination takes me into this dark room. More than just my imagination. I experience heavy spiritual sensitivity. As I re-read “The Raven” over and overI have an awareness that I was not the only one with Poe. Whether I’m right or wrong faith was credited to Abraham as righteousness. Whether I’m right or wrong there is little doubt that there is a strong spiritual likeness and connection. I think of Kurt Warner and Moses. I think of Bo Sosa and Abraham. Brother Yun as Abimelech. I was reading Brother Yun’s “Living Water” while attending pastor Sosa’s spirit filled services. May Iron sharpen Iron. I think of Pastor Sosa’s son Joel Sosa and the prophet Isaac but I also remind my self to buy” Son of The Underground” a book by Brother Yun’s son Isaac Liu. I need to read the book of Joel again. I think of Mel Gibson and the Prophet Isaiah. I seemed to have one epiphany after another after this recent stretch reading Isaiah. One dream after another. So many of them parallel and coincide with the Academy award winning film “Braveheart”. Here are some example of passages that gave me goose bumps. I will simply give the numbers of the passages along with some key words or phrases; Isaiah 19:13-13 memphis, Cornerstones, dizziness. Isaiah 21:2 Media . Isaiah 21:Watchtower, Horses. I’m reading Isaiah as I watch Braveheart. Look at the sentence before this. Braveheart is on and they are ramming down a wall as I was reading out of my head. Now pay attention to the next passage. Isaiah 22: 5…… the valley of vision, a day of battering down walls… Isaiah22:9 “City of David” (please read) the entry submitted regarding Revelation 3 before this with the picture of David City NE may or may not be attached. Isaiah 22:9 …. You stored up water in your lower pool. I remember being in shallow end of the pool growing up. I’ve had a vision of this moment before. Isaiah 22:22 “I will place on his shoulder the key to the house of David; what he opens no one can shut, and what he shuts no one can open. Isaiah 28:27 Caraway, cartwheel, cummin. Isaiah 28:28 Horse. That day I need to except grace, cast my cares away. Wake up free myself from lust. Did we share another dream. A woman doing a cartwheel. Did you see it just as you see me put cummin powder in my V8. I’ve seen this before. Isaiah 32: 18 In secure homes. Isaiah 34:11 The desert owl, great owl, the raven. Isaiah 25:4 retribution. Isaiah 40:10 recompense. Isaiah 41:8 …”Abraham my friend”. The way Mel Gibson delivered the line” In a barn” to the princess in his movie “Braveheart” sounded just like pastor Bo Sosa. Isaiah 42:4 “the islands”. The last epiphany and vision made me certain on Mel Gibson. A recent thought. Should I send Mel a letter saying I want to work on a movie with him? I realized that he already knew after I read Isaiah 42:25 and the word “enveloped” appeared. Would that be necessary? Or would he say, “That would be nice?” I think of Corey Callens and the Prophet Nahum. He swam in the backyard pool when we were in high school. I think of Jake Ishmael and the Prophet Elijah. I think of Creflo Dollar and the prophet Job. I think of Dr. David Jeremiah and the prophet Jeremiah. I think of Jason Beckstrom and the Prophet Amos. I think of Tracy Fox as the prophet Malachi. I think of John Oh and The Prophet Hosea. I think of a drummer at the International House of Prayer and Habakkuk. I think of Mike Neildig as Samson. I think of Danny Nelson and the prophet Daniel. What about Joyce Meyer’s son? He’s royalty I’m certain. Yes, my mom is a princess and Joyce is the chosen Elder in the second epistle of John. Wait a minute……..oops, yes, I believe that. I watched the show again today and I felt exhorted to put a new picture up of Danny Nelson and I. We lived a mile away from each growing up. Hes just a little bit older than me. I did some wall sits the other day. George Bloomer comes to mind as someone highly gifted with royal blood. I sense a strong connection between Dr. Billy Graham and Saint Luke. I know there are more that I have already met and some I have not. Whether I’m right or wrong iron sharpens iron. The freedom to ponder the supernatural is a gift from the source of creativity. Jesus Christ, the prince of peace and the King of Kings. “The Raven”, “The Mall”, remember? Yes, back to Poe. The recurring dream and vision. There I was again. This dark room. Receiving information. Connecting in faith and instinct. A reception by my creative receptors. Poe’s awareness and ability to conceal information. Improvised. Poe’s awareness of spiritual activity through art seemed to be a metaphor at first glance. Tortured, was he? Yoda? His desire for contact with Lenore. I have a Lenore to Poe. She reminds me of a little sister with the cutest smile. Big glasses. I cannot stop thinking about her. What wretched beast? Lost in a dream. May be the reason for my redundancy. I am currently writing this in a bedroom in the condo basement that is not my home. Someday I hope I have a home of my own. Back to what is relevant and inspired this writing. I was walking down stairs into the basement with my father. With the doors closed we had a private discussion. Was there a double meaning for the chamber door? Did Poe fall asleep or was he wide awake? Whether asleep or not did he see the same thing? The poem opens with the following stanza, “Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered weak and weary, Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore, While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping, As of some one gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door. `Tis some visitor, I muttered, `tapping at my chamber door - Only this, and nothing more. Was it more than just a Raven that could fly? Was it Sonny Sandoval the lead singer of P.O.D. the messenger in the book of Daniel? The one with the booming voice? I believe. Royalty and sparkling like diamonds. Is Tim Tebow in the book of Daniel too or just the book of Jude? Do I really believe we are spirits, that have a soul, and live in a body. That’s what I believe. How much more did Daniel see when he fell asleep with his nose in the dirt? How could Tim Tebow be in the book of Daniel if he is the apostle Jude? Maybe it was the vocalist for International house of prayer. These dreamers. How may I assist the lead singer of Sonny? Danny needs grace. He struggles like the rest of us. Did Poe feel a breeze? If there was a breeze. I’m sure there were multiple breezes. What Poe knew did he only want the Raven to know? I took a walk in the park yesterday. This black bird seemed to go from tree to tree just behind me. I stopped and looked at the bird. I continued to walk. There he was again. Was it a seal? Was there a feeling of timelessness as you were writing “The Raven”? Can you see me now? Or was it made obvious, intentionally, symbolically screaming out that, yes I am having a spiritual experience. What he was experiencing, could it be explained, or interpreted by someone? Information back and forth. “The raven can fly Lenore.” Figurtively peaking in the midst of depression and loneliness. I was in that room with Poe. It’s true. It was a figurative statement. Prophets? “`Prophet! said I, `thing of evil! - prophet still, if bird or devil! By that Heaven that bends above us - by that God we both adore - Tell this soul with sorrow laden if, within the distant Aidenn, It shall clasp a sainted maiden whom the angels named Lenore - Clasp a rare and radiant maiden, whom the angels named Lenore? Quoth the raven, `Nevermore. I said a prayer for your lost Lenore.. How well do you know me Poe? Because if you see this writing in your dreams, know that while awake, it was not a dream at all. Initial writing Thursday May 9 2013 -Andrew Michael Wisne May 18, 2013 This is an add on written several days after I wrote the original essay entitled, “Who is The Raven?” I had another enjoyable day reading Poe at the mall. I came back to the place I rest my head. I looked outside and saw a black bird. I whistled. I got a little closer. If flew to the tree close to the lattice. Something to keep in mind while one continues to read. Timelessness. I then walked outside. I stared at the bird in the tree. There was another bird like the bird. I then turned to my side and looked at the sky. Was it just my imagination? I had a vision of Poe. I’ve seen this before in a dream. This time only half was a dream. I was looking at the sky. The same sky and the same background that Ive seen in dreams the same way every time. Now it is not a dream. I was aware that I was looking at the same sky while seeing Edgar Allan Poe in my minds eye the same way I’ve seen before. That awareness was not a dream. I was awake but remember it as a dream. This time there was real energy attached to the visceral experience. The energy swaying back and forth was undeniable. In the vision he was staring at me and waving his hand back and forth. “Wait a second? Is that a raven?” It looks exactly like the bird I was staring at. I read “The Raven” several times at the mall today before this happened. I also read “Dreams” , “To One in Paradise”, “The Haunted Palace”, and “A Dream Within a Dream”. I had a new epiphany. More than one. There were less visions but rather instinctual recollections of visions. Exact duplicates if you will that probably happened so fast that I used the word instinct. What is real in this glass. Let’s filter it out. Anyway, back to this bird. I had no control over this bird. It was God’s gift. If it was not a raven it looked exactly like one. In fact, I believe one of those two black birds are still in that tree. Poe knew of certain others that read this poem as well. The Prophets, plutonium, “And his eyes have all the seeming of a demon’s that is dreaming”. And the lamp-light o’er him streaming throws his shadow on the floor; And my soul from out the shadow that lies floating on the floor Shall be lifted- nevermore!” (Poe,The Raven) I speak out loud. Is Jesus Christ your Lord and Savior? In faith I will say I heard a silent whisper, “Yes he is”. “By That Heaven that bends above us- by that God we both adore”(Poe, The Raven).
Posted on: Fri, 22 Nov 2013 00:56:07 +0000

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