Nerd RAGE!! X Rebirt.. A follow up on X3 a SpaceSimulation Game - TopicsExpress


Nerd RAGE!! X Rebirt.. A follow up on X3 a SpaceSimulation Game that still today has very good graphics a very good game concept and a huge world for you to explore. But There they went again... Mine Crafted it .... In their attempt to make it easier to play Ego Soft made the game Worse than the 3 previous games. The ui is a Joke with menue layouts that are only frustrating. The mission text gets shown on a Screen in your cocpit but the text is to small that you need atleast a 50 tv to make out what it says. The fun you had with flying and buying different ships is gone. you get to fly one ship!... jupp one. the other ships you have to get crew for so they can fly themselves.. and to get crew you have to run around maze like spacestations, yes several of them 1 for each crew... The space stations that was buildable in the previous games well let me just say that i wouldnt even want to try. instead of 1 station they are comprosed of small bits and pieces ... just scanning getting information about what asection does is a boring Chore jupp a game thats BORING does not compute so after you scan one maybe two you will never ever want to do it again. Doing missions is pretty straight forward,, and yes there is a BUT, if you get a bounty mission i.o.w. find and slay a person. since he is part of a faction you get spammed by ALL ships from that faction for about each fired shot.... Annoying ??? I dont want to use language that can describe it on FB. you can fill out the words yourself. So all in all. Ego soft can you spell EPIC fail ?? Second nominee for TARDS of The YEAR go to Ego Soft for X Rebirth.
Posted on: Sun, 26 Jan 2014 11:04:06 +0000

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