Nestled deep in Tanzania is the Shengena forest, a woodland that - TopicsExpress


Nestled deep in Tanzania is the Shengena forest, a woodland that is the largest forest block in the South Pare Mountains. Rich in biodiversity, the forest and the 5 rivers that run through it also provide a major source of water for those in neighboring villages, such as Ndungu. However, this forest is under threat from farmland encroachment, wild fires and illegal logging. It is within this forest that the Yongoma River calls its home, and such deforestation threatens its existence. Far more crucially however, is that this river has the potential to provide clean drinking water to an entire community. It is of course, unfortunately no surprise that a major problem throughout Tanzania is the lack of clean drinking water. Dirty drinking water leads to many problems, such as diarrhea, fevers and malaria, which can be fatal, particularly for women and young children. The Yongoma River that runs through the Shengena forest provides a source of clean drinking water for the community of Ndungu, and it is for this reason we must act fast to stop the destruction of the Shengena forest. To provide clean drinking water for those within Ndungu would improve the standard of living and the quality of life to no end. Furthermore, recent exploration of the forest has uncovered three new species of frog, the Callulina laphami, Callulina Shengena, and the Callulina stanleyi. It has been recommended that each of these frogs is to be categorized by the International Union for the conversation of Nature as Critically endangered. Biodiversity loss in East Africa is a prevailing problem, and by halting the destruction of the Shengena Forest, will halt this issue at the very least. This is why the MOHISPAC foundation has chosen to focus its energy and attention to, amongst other projects, to sustaining and preserving the Shengena Forest. Without this forest, and the Yongoma river that runs through it, there is limited possibility and opportunity to provide those within the Ndungu community with clean drinking water. Currently, there are 26,000 people settled within Ndungo, all of whom have little access to regular, clean drinking water. The existing water project was established in 1961 bythe British Government, and it was intended to benefit around 2000 people. However, currently within Ndungo, there are at least 26000 residents, and as such, the existing water pipe cannot provide for them all. Women currently walk for more than 8 hours in the unforgiving heat to collect water, but the installation of a new pipe line would mean that fresh, clean water was available at all times. The impact of clean drinking water cannot be underestimated. Not only does it reduce the chance of illness spreading, improve the economic conditions of the community and also improve health generally, ultimately, clean drinking water saves lives. The Mohispac Foundation is campaigning to construct a water pipe line that will run directly from the Yongoma River into the Reservoir within Ndungu. The Mohispac foundation is working closely with experts from the Government, to monitor and evaluate the programme regularly; however, we need your support in order for this to be possible. Furthermore, on the 15th July 2013 a team comprising of members from Tanzania, Nairobi and Kisumu marched in Mamba Miamba, Northern Tanzania, in a defiant protest against the destruction of the Shengena forest. Indeed, the walk was organized by Reverend Nziacharo Makeyna, the executive director of MOHISPAC foundation and supported by the World AgroForest centre. Additionally, the MOHIPSAC foundation has worked with local groups living around the forest by providing them with training on how to improve environmental conservation. However, in order to make this aim a reality, we need your help. The current cost of implementing water pipe line stands at around $300,000. This includes the cost of the building materials, the transportation from Dar Es Salaam of said materials, and the construction of the pipe line. If we have your support, we will be able to begin work immediately, and in turn, begin saving lives from day one. It is not the intention of the MOHISPAC foundation to create a system in which the local communities forever rely on outside support. Indeed, it is their sole intention to create a fully sustainable community, and by providing local communities with access to clean drinking water, and training on how to maintain and preserve the environment in which they live, this will be achieved. For further information on ways you can help us, please contact Nziacharo Makenya at nziacharom@gmail, or Kerala Drew at keraladrew@icloud and we will be happy to discuss any questions you may have. If you choose to support us, we will keep you updated with every bit of progress that is made, regardless of how small it may be. The work we do isn’t possible without your support, and every little really does help. You can find out more about our work at these websites: https://facebook/MohispacFoundation?ref=ts&fref=ts and Follow us on Instagram @Mohispacfoundation
Posted on: Fri, 26 Sep 2014 13:40:32 +0000

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