Netanyahu Meets With the Pope at the Vatican On his - TopicsExpress


Netanyahu Meets With the Pope at the Vatican On his second visit to Rome in just over a month, Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu met with Pope Francis for a 25-minute closed-door meeting on Monday morning. It was the first time the two met face-to-face since Francis was elected in March. Netanyahu and his wife Sarah presented the Pope with a Hanukkah menorah and a Spanish translation of The Origins of the Inquisition, a book about the Spanish Inquisition written by Netanyahus late father, who was an Israeli historian. Netanyahu inscribed the inside front page with To his Holiness Pope Franciscus, a great shepherd of our common heritage. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu meets with Pope Francis I in Vatican City, Italy. The two discussed the Israeli-Palestinian peace process and worries surrounding Irans nuclear program and the Syrian civil war. They are thought to have also discussed recent European legislation banning circumcision and kosher slaughter, the welfare of Christians in Israel and the Middle East, and the Pope’s potential visit to Israel next year. We are expecting you; we cant wait, Sarah told Pope Francis. (YNet) Although the date has yet to be confirmed by the Vatican, the Pope’s visit, which might occur in May, would be the first since Pope Benedict XVI visited in 2009 and the fourth visit of a pontiff to Israel. Israel and the Vatican established ties only in 1993. (JPost) Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his wife Sarah (left) attended the Hanukkah candle-lighting ceremony at the synagogue in Rome, Italy with Italian Prime Minister Enrico Letta and his wife Gianna Fregonara (right). On Sunday, on the fifth night of Hanukkah at the Great Synagogue in Rome, Netanyahu attended a candle-lighting ceremony where he spoke out against a nuclear Iran. “Iran aspires to attain a nuclear bomb. It would thus threaten not only Israel but also Italy, Europe, and the entire world, Netanyahu said. “The darkness that threatens the world the most today is the darkness of a nuclear Iran. We are obligated to do everything possible to prevent that darkness. If possible, it is preferable to do this through diplomatic channels, and if not we will act as a light unto the nations.” “I tell you and promise in the spirit of the Maccabees, we will not allow Iran to receive a military nuclear capability,” Netanyahu concluded. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Prime Minister Enrico Letta. Help us overcome the darkness through Gods Spirit, Aaron, by bringing the Light of the World to Israel and the nations — click now EU and Israel Seek Compromise In an apparent show of support for Israel and world Judaism, European Union Foreign Affairs Minister Catherine Ashton spoke out against the rising trend of anti-Semitism in European countries during a Hanukkah ceremony held at the European Jewish Community Center. She was the guest of honor for the first-night lighting ceremony of this eight-day celebration, which ends tomorrow night. “Hanukkah is a moment to remember family, tradition and hope,” Ashton said. “The lighting of candles plays such an important part in shining the light of hope across the world. As millions of Jewish families begin their celebrations, we stand with them in a belief in freedom for all people to be who they are, to be of the faith they wish to be.’’ (EJPress) EU Foreign Affairs Minister Catherine Ashton The event followed the previous days marathon of telephone negotiations between Ashton and Israeli Justice Minister Tzipi Livni that yielded a compromise between Israel and the EU regarding Horizon 2020, the EU’s flagship research and development program. The compromise paves the way for Israel to participate in Horizon 2020 despite the EU’s new policy that prohibits the it from funding Israeli institutions that operate beyond the 1949 Armistice Demarcation Line (Green Line), including eastern Jerusalem, and Judea and Samaria. According to the policy, any new EU agreement with Israel must include a clause saying that it is not applicable beyond this line. The agreement, which followed weeks of rejected proposals, will still not allow EU funding of research projects within the Judean and Samarian settlements. Catherine Ashton and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas However, an appendix allowing Israel to disagree with the EU’s policy against the settlements and an EU rebuttal reiterating their policy will enable Israel to take advantage of the 80 billion euro science and innovation program within the undisputed area of Israel. Dr. Eli Even, who heads the Research Authority at Bar Ilan University and is the Israeli member on the EU’s Advisory Committee on Research and Development, warned that if the negotiations do not produce an agreement, about 50 percent of the State of Israel’s research budgets would be damaged. “It would be a fatal blow to research in Israel,” he said. That blow to Israel would also be a blow to the world since Israel’s scientific innovations have consistently resulted in help and relief to millions around the world. French Aliyah Rises 49 Percent as Anti-Semitism Grows “In that day I will restore David’s fallen tent. I will repair its broken places, restore its ruins, and build it as it used to be.” (Amos 9:11) Israel continues to be perceived as a safe harbor from those fleeing anti-Semitism. The European Union’s Fundamental Rights Agency released results from a recent survey showing that about 33 percent of a survey group of 5,847 Jews from nine Europeans countries have considered emigrating because they “do not feel safe” living as Jews in their various countries. (HaAretz) The numbers are higher in France where 86 percent of French Jews surveyed describe anti-Semitism as a “big problem” and 46 percent have considered emigrating to Israel in recent years. A French oleh (immigrant) waves the Israeli flag upon arriving in Israel. Aaron, we give thanks to the Lord for His faithfulness in creating a safe haven (th Holy Land) for His People and bringing them home in these last days— click here now to be a part of this prophetic move of God During a symposium held at the European Parliament to discuss the findings, the president of the Representative Council of Jewish Institutions in France (CRIF), Roger Cukierman, said most French Jews do not feel safe placing their children in public schools because of anti-Semitism, choosing private schools instead. Among British respondents, 48 percent replied in the same way. “Jews do not feel comfortable in France and across Europe. Top-down attempts to ban circumcision and kosher slaughter compound the effect of bottom-up anti-Semitism,” Cukierman said. (JPost) British olim in Jerusalem proudly display their new Israeli IDs. The problem of anti-Semitism in France is not being ignored by French President Francois Hollande. During an event memorializing the deaths of three children and a rabbi killed last March by an Islamist gunman in a school in Toulouse in southwestern France, Hollande vowed to eradicate anti-Semitism and ensure the security of Jews. “France will hunt down terrorism all possible means,” the French president said. “My country will not be weak in fighting terrorism.” He then promised all-out measures to guarantee the security of the Jewish community, adding, “Safeguarding their safety, their integrity and their dignity is a national cause. It is not only the affair of Jews but of all French people.” (EJPress) Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and French President Francois Hollande. Despite such promises, aliyah (immigration to Israel) between January and September 2013 from France has increased by almost half. About 2,200 French Jews have immigrated to Israel during the first nine months of 2013, compared to about 1,500 last year during the same period. In fact, in all of 2012, only about 1,900 made aliyah from France. As well, immigration from Western Europe is up 26 percent from last year with 3,188 arriving from those countries. But while Jews are fleeing to Israel for safety from anti-Semitism, anti-Israelism is also growing in some countries. In Morocco, a proposed law written by five parties of the Moroccan Parliament has been presented for adoption that would make it illegal in Morocco to support or attend activities that Israeli citizens or residents contribute to, participate in, or attend. (Times of Israel) Even private or indirect dealings with an “Israeli entity” would become a crime punishable by two to five years in prison and a steep fine. New olim (immigrants) rejoice as they are welcomed home to Israel. Largest Aerial Drill Ever Held in Israel’s Negev Desert In an exercise code named Blue Flag, the Israel Air Force (IAF) has hosted a multinational air drill in southern Israel with squadrons from the United States, Greece and Italy. Though Israel has been training with other allied nations for the last 15 years, this is the largest combined operation attempted so far. The Blue Flag exercises are modeled after similar maneuvers held annually in the US at Nevada’s Nevis Air Force base, which include training in realistic combat conditions. (The Algemeiner) Blue Flag is an international joint exercise of the US, Italian and Hellenic air forces, with a goal to improve Israel’s general air defense capabilities while learning together and cooperating with global allies. Israel contributed seven air squadrons while each of the other participating countries included one for a total of 60 fighter jets. The training took place north of Eilat where American and Greek F-15s and F-16s and Italian Tornado and AMX aircraft simulated bombing runs, dogfights, and other defensive maneuvers during the two weeks of exercises. An IAF spokesman described the exercise as a “strategic asset for both the IDF and the Western world.” (The Algemeiner) American soldiers participate in the drills. Israel plans to continue these drills on a biannual basis, emphasizing that the country provides an excellent venue that allows for international pilot cooperation. Last week, ambassadors from the participating countries observed the drills and, in view of the current happenings involving Iran and its nuclear intentions, US ambassador Dan Shapiro underlined that the exercises were not directed toward any specific event. Its a powerful symbol of the partnership between the United States and Israel when our pilots and Israeli pilots are flying together, Shapiro said. “We live in a tough world, dangerous world,” said the U.S. ambassador. “Israel lives in a dangerous neighborhood, and we need the best equipped and best trained forces as possible to protect our people and security. We also need allies and we have great allies here.” A US Air Force soldier said, “For us, it is about training together. We have been leading up to this exercise for a couple years now. We’re here to continue to work together.” Ambassador Dan Shapiro watched a stunning display of F-15s, F-16s, Tornadoes, and AMX fighter jets taking to the skies at the Uvda air base. Ancient Wine Cellar Uncovered In Israel “We went in to the land where you sent us; and it certainly does flow with milk and honey, and this is its fruit.’” (Numbers 13:25–27) In the Book of Numbers, the 12 spies returned from the land of Canaan with giant clusters of grapes saying that the land was flowing with milk and honey. And while Israel today has become increasingly known for its fine wines, winning a growing number of awards for fine quality spirits, apparently ancient Canaan was also a land of fine wines. Israeli wines The remains of a 3,700-year-old wine cellar at Tel Kabri have been uncovered near the modern town of Nahariya in the north of Israel in what was once a Canaanite palace in a sprawling city. The wine cellar, a single room containing 40 ceramic jars, would have had enough wine to supply the palace but not an entire community. Each jar would have held about 13 gallons. Chemical analysis of the residue in the ceramic jars indicates that it was very high quality wine, likely only used on special occasions. Andrew Koh of Brandeis University identified such ingredients as mint, honey, cedar, and even cinnamon. “It’s not wine that somebody is just going to come home from a hard day and kick back and drink,” he said. (HaAretz) Koh said the wine was similar to recipes used for medicinal wines in ancient Egypt. Tel Kabri During a meeting of the American Schools of Oriental Research where the discovery was revealed, Eric Cline of George Washington University, who joined fellow project members Koh and Assaf Yasur-Landau of the University of Haifa, said that this is evidence of how sophisticated wines were at that time. Boston University archaeologist Curtis Runnels noted that the chemical analysis revealed that the same recipe was used throughout the entire batch, which shows the “consistency and control you’d expect in a palace.” (HaAretz) The 3,700 year-old wine cellar is the oldest find of its kind in the Near East. Yasur-Landau who co-directed the excavation said, “The wine cellar was located near a hall where banquets took place, a place where the Kabri elite and possibly foreign guests consumed goat meat and wine.” (Jewish Press) Miracle at Cana, by Vladimir Makovsky Interestingly enough, Yeshua’s (Jesus) first public miracle involved wine and a banquet. While attending a wedding in Cana, the wine ran out. Perhaps to save the host from certain humiliation during this feast, Yeshua turned the water in six stone jars into between 120 to 150 gallons of extremely fine wine. This miracle showed that Yeshua could supernaturally control physical elements such as water. And Yeshua was obviously not content to only provide passable wine, as the headwaiter remarked to the bridegroom: “Every man serves the good wine first, and when the people have drunk freely, then he serves the poorer wine; but you have kept the good wine until now.’” (John 2:10) Likewise, Yeshua pours out His Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit) on us abundantly, and always wants to give us God’s best. He is never content to just provide something passable during our times of need. Aaron, your help us bring the Good News of Yeshua to Israel and the nations is invaluable. Your gifts really do make a difference. We could not do this important work without you! Aaron, please click to support the ministry work of Bibles For Israel with whatever the Lord puts on your heart to give, every dollar makes a difference Sponsor a Chapter of the Messianic Prophecy Bible or Jewish evangelism You can also dedicate your tithe this Hanukkah for the salvation of the Jewish People Since there are less than 30 days left in 2013, please consider taking advantage of giving a large special tax-deductible gift that you can claim against your 2013 Taxes. Your gifts keep our Israel-based ministry running. The people of Israel and Judah who lived in the towns of Judah also brought a tithe of their herds and flocks and a tithe of the holy things dedicated to the LORD their God, and they piled them in heaps. (2 Chronicles 31:6)
Posted on: Wed, 04 Dec 2013 22:05:26 +0000

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