Network marketing is not really different to any sales based - TopicsExpress


Network marketing is not really different to any sales based business, its a numbers game! You will get more nos than yess So if you only speak to a few people a day you will only get a few nos Speak to a lot of people a day and you will increase your chance of getting a yes. Every no you are getting closer to a yes. Now dont get me wrong here I am not saying you should go and pitch 30 people a day, nobody wants to be pitched! You want to find new friends to speak to and expand your network, find common interests and have a conversation without talking business. Pass on any helpful advice you may have and continue to follow up with them at a later date to see how they have been and talk more. Social media networks are the best tool for talking to massive amounts of people a day in a short amount of time. Develop yourself a generic script and test it to see how effective it is then make changes to it to see if it works any better than the last. When you make first contact with people you want to make it personal and professional. Second contact keep it personal and talk about common interests Third contact you can talk biz but no pitching and keep it generic. People will most times ask you what you are doing then you can talk about it and if you dont have your own story yet you can leverage the stories of your upline or other team members. Now go get yourself out there!
Posted on: Thu, 24 Oct 2013 05:18:40 +0000

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