New Game: Who or What Am I? 1. I was first mentioned in - TopicsExpress


New Game: Who or What Am I? 1. I was first mentioned in Bereishes. What did Hashem do to me? For what purpose? In Torah, Devarim 32:2, what is the teaching Moses refers to and what is it likened to? 2. One cannot live without me. Name some ways that I function. In Tanach, what am I likened to? So how can we relate who I am to what I am compared to? What if a person is deprived of me? 3. I was sweet then became bitter. What was the significance of this and what is its story? In Shemos 15:23-25, why did Hashem give reference to the diseases of Mitzraim and H-m being the One Who heals? In Shemot 17:1-8, why did the people quarrel with Moshe? What did Moshe do and where did he find what they wanted? What is another place like Har Sinai...where the Torah is given? 4. Sometimes if I have become bitter I can be sweetened. What was going on in II Melachim 2? How does our healing compare to Hashems? What 3 things am I compared to? 5. I cause prosperity. According to Tehiliim 1 what do I do and how does it compare to us? 6. I keep showing up in the lives of Avraham and Yitzchak. What is happening that I am involved? Avraham used __________ and ________ when involved with me. What did Yitzchak use? _____ and _____. Why did Yaacov not have the same involvement with me? According to Bava Kama 17A there is NO ______ except ________! Hashem has given us __________ to navigate happily through this world as we draw closer ultimately to H-m in the world to come. I am the MOST valuable commodity in the universe and I am ___________!!! SAGE ADVICE: (Devorah Channah Adney posted this and she said it was from AISH) By Leibel Estrin Many years ago, two elderly widowers were speaking. “I don’t understand something,” one of the old men began. “Both of us loved and lost our wives. But I am inconsolable and you seem to be coping. What is your secret?” “I spend my days with company,” the first widower replied. “Nonsense,” the other widower replied. “I know that your house is as empty and as quiet as mine.” “I don’t mean that I spend it with people. I spend it with Rashi, Maimonides, and many other great rabbis. Their words speak to me and I listen.” Sources: aish/h/15sh/i/48960526.html
Posted on: Sun, 28 Dec 2014 22:43:32 +0000

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