New Members Wanted: Must Be Churchbroken!!! How sad. Isnt it - TopicsExpress


New Members Wanted: Must Be Churchbroken!!! How sad. Isnt it amazing the time we spend trying to housebreak a new pet? We are willing to spend literally hours on end watching diligently for that tell sign that causes us to spring into valiant action wherein we quite literally snatch the little fellow out of its chosen place of relief and hastily sling it outdoors, making it necessary for it to begin again in its tedious search for just the right square inch of earth for its momentary urgency. Then we feel perfectly at home standing there cheering it on while it goes about its business. Once all this is finished we happily bounce back indoors whereupon the little rascal, once having received all the praise it can stand for one day, immediately sets about with deliberate intent to tear every cushion and mangle every curtain and chew every shoe it can find. Patiently, we snap our finger in an attempt to right its behavior. We feed it the best foo. We buy it the best toys. We talk to it in baby talk. We do whatever it takes to fill it with confidence and help it to learn whT it needs to know. Over and over and over it continues until finally, months down the road, and after a refurbishing or two of our home, Fido finally gets it. He is housebroken and all our sacrifice reaps its reward. Amazing how much patience and long suffering we are capable of extending to a pet and how little we are capable of giving to another human being, let alone a new convert to Christianity. No bad habits allowed!!! Zero tolerance!!! Get it together or find another couch to sleep on buddy!!! Wouldnt the world, and the church (not necessarily in that order) be awesome if we could be as loving and compassionate to our brethren as we are to our pets? We are the ones who are responsible for discipling others after us. We are the ones who should be ready, day or night, to spring into action when old habits spring up against them. We should help them discover their path to proper behavior by whatever means or expense necessary. We should praise their proper choices while, at the same time, assist them in curbing the improper ones. When our personal body suffers in illness we find help as soon as possible. Guess what. That one beside you who cant quite get it right is a part of your spiritual body and should be ministered to just as you would minister to your own body when it is sick or injured. It is high time we reach past our judgements and love without a net; reach out to others as Christ would, despite the possible ramifications we ascertain. Stop pre-qualifying converts and just tell them about Christ and leave the rebuild to God. Its not our place to bash them on the head and toss them in the trash for failing to behave as well as we imagine they should. Give Gods grace a chance to shine in them and I think we might just be AMAZED at how TRULY AMAZING it really is. Just a thought.
Posted on: Thu, 07 Aug 2014 19:12:52 +0000

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