New Moon on the Autumn Equinox, the balance of Darkness and Light, - TopicsExpress


New Moon on the Autumn Equinox, the balance of Darkness and Light, a moment with Creator and Mother Earth, alone, attuned and feeling right. Clearly the Wizards, Elves, and Wise Women too, accomplished, with Mother Nature and the Dragons, the work they set out to do. Balance is such a precarious thing, not always easily maintained, but for the dawn of this sacred day it most certainly is at play. As the skies grew brighter I took to the Wizards Woods. I felt the pangs of letting go, even though I understood. I balanced the emotions running through my heart, knowing another old friend is stepping in as a dear one departs. I found him in his private chamber, deep within the Crystal Cave. Hed tidied up the place, and was leaving a not for his brother who would step in today. Good morning, Child. He said to me, his voice was pensively soft. We all must celebrate today, for the balance was restored. I watched two Eagles a bit ago, as above the forest they soared. There is gratitude in my heart for you and your friends. The Eagles were carrying the prayers you offered and your intent. Gratitude to all who assisted has swollen my heart with such pride. Each and every one of you walk your paths in a manner that is right. You bless the world each day with your loving touch, I cannot say it enough. Thank you so very much. We appreciate you too, and your brothers and sisters as well. Its simply who we all are, willing spirits in supporting your spells. Autumns essence is everywhere, your brother must be arriving soon. Are you all packed and ready to go? He began to hum a happy tune. Nodding his head he gave a crooked smile, then he looked away. His voice cracked just a little as he laid down his pen. I am eager to be going and longing to stay, the balance is in knowing I shall return again. I smiled and went to give him a hug, which he warmly received. And then I gave him a little kiss upon his wrinkled cheek. My lips touched his silken beard, and I held his face in my hands. Theres no one quite like you, Old Man. He liked that comment, it made him smile, then he shook his head. Well, see that you remember that once I have left. We both chuckled and were settling ourselves, just as one of the books fell from the shelf. It landed open at its center, and from the pages bare, a thin stream of mist arose and swelled as it hit the air. Out of this mist stepped the Wizard of Autumn, a satisfied smile on his face. Oh my dear Brother, said the Summer Wizard, you bring such drama to this place. Though I must say, that was quite the trick, youve outdone yourself today. The Autumn Wizard playfully bowed, dropped his heavy satchel and let it lay. Our cousin, the Elfin Wizard and our Sisters are on their way. Were going to weave some powerful magic today. He said as he dusted off his hands. So, lets get to work you fussy old man. I know you must soon be on your way. Where have you chosen to meet, in the forest or the Crystal Caves? The forest, said the Summer Wizard, Ive already bid the caverns farewell. But the forest, ah, my eyes must drink in one last time and its fragrance inhale. We shall meet in the grove of the Great Twin Oaks, Trees of Life long lived. There well offer our prayers and the blessings we wish to give. Lots of room for one and all, and when the work is done, well celebrate your arrival and Ill say farewell to everyone. Ill depart on the back of my Dragon as together we ride the Wind. Off to the other side of the world well fly where summer is starting to begin. Ive left all in order for you, mind that you dont mess things up. I put considerable effort into tidying everything up. He shook his finger at his brother who simply let his shoulders shrug, shook his head and turned around, he mumbled Best, with that, you wish me luck. The three of us headed out to the old majestic Oaks, with their great branches spreading so wide. Lower boughs touching Mother Earth the upper ones reaching to Father Sky. It is the perfect setting, lEarth and Water are present too. Those old Oaks has bowed themselves, bent and gnarled as is. They stand firm as a reminder of Mother Natures gifts. Regents of the forest, with their secrets held, enchanted by both the Nymphs and Elves. Autumn mentioned something about turning the leaves and coloring them with burnt hues. And he whispered in my ear The Undines are already here, just waiting for their cues. As soon as Summer and the Elves depart well head for the river to hear their news. It looks like its going to be a long day, so much to be finished and started. Not just while Summer remains, but even after hes departed. Ive brought some special dishes along, treats for the Dragons and seeds for the winged-ones. Some sweets for the Wizards and ambrosia for us. A travel pouch for Summer was a must. Shhhhhh dont tell him its a surprise. Its filled with more sweets to delight his eyes. See you when you get here!
Posted on: Tue, 23 Sep 2014 14:09:28 +0000

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