New Strategic Partner Japan to help RSS to accomplish corporate - TopicsExpress


New Strategic Partner Japan to help RSS to accomplish corporate Hindu Nation! Is Modi Dumping US interest to revive fascist link once again? Japan to invest $34 billion in India, no nuke deal! Japan to help RSS to accomplish corporate Hindu Nation!Is Modi Dumping US interest to revive fascist link once again? First NDA Government aligned with zionism and Israel and now Modi makes Japan India`s strategic partner. Mind you, anti Islam anti Arab Israel happens to be not only India`s partner in the strategic alliance led by United states of America but also it is the nation which intervenes most in the affairs of internal security in India all on the name of US war against terror. Thus, India kept mum and avoided discussion on continuous genocide in Gaza in the Indian Parliament despite the fact that India had been always supporting the Arabs. But it should be also kept in mind that India`s foreign policy and diplomacy kept on changing not because of the unipolar new world after oil war and the demise of USSR, in fact, because of the the resurrection of Brahaminical hindutva tagged with racial, hegemonial Manusmriti economics which suits most the globalisation of ethnic cleansing. India did not support Saddam Hussain`s stance that oil business should opt for euro dumping dollar, nor India tried to avoid the war in the middle east. Economically, India has to depend on middle east oil and India shifted its foreign policy favouring Israel. It is in accordance with Hindutva agenda and Congress also followed the Hindutva line. It should be clear with last Loksabha election experience while Congress just handed over power to RSS to accomplish the Hindutva agenda. History repeats itself. RSS ideology glorifies Nazi and Fascist icons and incidentally Japan was the third ally of Hitler`s Germany and Mussolini`s Italy. It also in accordance with Hindutva aspiration to become the next superpower for which India has began to look forward to East and specificaaly the Buddhist demography. Hinduva has to digest sikhism, buddhism and jainism to acomplish Hidu imerialist agenda. Simply this is why India risks its strategic partnership with United States of america to become bed partner with Japan. Of course, the summit in Tokyo could not see Indo Japanese Nuclear agreement and it seems it would take more time but Japan has got the doors wide open in India to replace US companies in sensitive defence and nuclear energy sectors. Moreover, Japan has got the infra sector as bonus in return. It is a blooming lotus all over the est as Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his Japanese counterpart Shinzo Abe during their summit talks also reaffirmed the importance of bilateral defence relations in their strategic partnership and agreed on greater defence equipment and technology cooperation. However, though Japan announced doubling of its private and public investment in India to about $34 billion over the next five years even as the two countries decided to elevate their ties to a special strategic global partnership but failed to conclude a civil nuclear deal. It is no set back because balls always have the necessary spin. It seems to be an interesting deal which helps to accomplish RSS agenda of Hindu nation which is incidentally against US interest as US perhaps succeeded to export Arab Spring in Pakistan for its strategy to bail out the US war economy. Japanese entrance in the defence as well as nuclear energy sector aborts US plan. Meanwhile, Arab Spring is doing wonders in Pakistan which should conclude in a planned exit of Nawaz Sharif and the army will have the control which ultimately intensify arms race if India traps itself in yet another Indo Pak war as last NDA government`s reforms got the most essential boost to reforms` agenda to serve US agenda. RSS always wants a love Zihad against Pakistan which would invoke most extreme blind nationalism, which is politics all about and it has economic ends also. Japanese entry in the strategic defence sector would serve no cause in the interest of US war economy either. Since Japanese interests have to do nothing with shafron interests and rather it would gift Japan the greatest emerging market, Japan has to help RSS to accomplish its Hindu nation objective.
Posted on: Tue, 02 Sep 2014 07:48:35 +0000

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