New Survey Finds Evangelicals Most Likely To Cheat On Spouses - TopicsExpress


New Survey Finds Evangelicals Most Likely To Cheat On Spouses Having faith doesnt necessarily mean youre faithful... to your spouse. A new survey conducted by Ashley Madison -- a dating website for people already in relationships -- sought to discover the link between religion and infidelity by asking 105,000 of its members about their religious affiliation. It turns out, one in four members described themselves as born again Evangelist Christians, making them the least faithful bunch; Catholics comprised the next largest group at 22.75 percent, followed by Protestants (22.7 percent). People who have faith often use it as an outlet for forgiveness said Dr. Eric Anderson, a sociologist at the University of Winchester in England, so theyre more likely to cheat and less likely to feel guilty. huffingtonpost/2014/06/04/infidelity-and-religion_n_5447526.html
Posted on: Mon, 09 Jun 2014 21:23:41 +0000

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