“New tribalism” –Not Just Bemba or Tonga Tribalism! Time - TopicsExpress


“New tribalism” –Not Just Bemba or Tonga Tribalism! Time Posted: November 2, 2013 8:50 am 9,258 views | 119 Comments | Email This Post | Print This Post | Winter Kabimba shares a light moment with First Lady Christine Kaseba Tribalism The last couple of weeks the nation has been besieged with rubbish Tribalism talk following Wynter Kabimba, PF party Secretary General’s revelation of emerging Bemba tribalism within the ruling party. The post newspaper picked up this debate in their editorial comment to denounce alleged Bemba tribalism within the PF. To be sure Tribalism is barbaric and backwardness. It has been responsible for many deadly conflicts and wars across Africa including dangerous killings and genocide experienced in some countries (Rwandan genocide (1994), Nigeria’s Biafra (1969), Kenyan political violence (2007) and continuous flights in Darfur (since 2003). Tribalism can also be used to disadvantage a particular tribal individual or group from participating or ruling the country. UPND has suffered this at the hands of the media. More so, tribalism can contribute to disunity and perpetuate inequality, discrimination and poverty. Tribalism can affect access to national resources and can promote selective distribution of national resources and development. Power struggle in PF I doubt the internal wrangles within PF are a matter of tribalism, more so than matter of political power. Who takes over from Sata? I think it is matter of political power relationship and patronage-a case referred to as New Tribalism. One of the challenges tearing PF apart includes the tendency of manipulating Bemba tribalism identities for private interests and egocentrism. We can grasp the root causes of the prevailing in the PF political competition, discrimination, and violence insofar as we take seriously the following questions. Why did Wynter make such allegation of tribalism and corruption knowing too well the political damage it would have on the political party he heads? Why is the post newspaper a private media for that matter protecting Wynter Kabimba? What is there for them to lose? Why is the post newspaper so much interested in the internal affairs of a political party they don’t belong to, unless facts have changed? It can’t be denied that the post newspaper smeared Michael Sata whilst in the opposition, including calling him tribal. What has changed today that Sata is a hero to be worshiped by the post newspaper? Kabimba not democratically elected but ruthlessly protected by the Post It is now very clear for everyone to see that the post newspaper have gone to latitude in protecting Wynter Kabamba. In fact they have gone to defame anyone who seems to be against Wynter Kabimba. The other day it was Emmanuel Mwamba; today it is Edgar Lungu. What has dismayed my imagination is the distortion of fact with regard a gallant son of the soil late Simon Mwansa Kapwepwe (MHSRIP), a great leader, freedom fighter and founding father of our beloved country. Simon Mwansa Kapwepwe was not tribal. By the way show me a Bemba who ruled Zambia and I will tell you, you are wrong. KK parents were not Zambian at least. Late F.T.J Chiluba (MHSRIP) was Aushi from CONGO-ZAIRE and we know the controversy surrounding his origins, Sata is Bisa from Mpika. Late Mwanawasa (MHSRIP) was Lamba and RB is from where? I don’t know maybe Eastern province of Zambia or Gwanda in Zimbabwe. What is going on here? New Tribalism –Politics of the Belly, New tribalism has nothing to do with ethnicity- a group of people belong to one tribal. No. New tribalism is a concept built around power relationship and patronage. New tribalism sows seeds of disunity and distrust in political parties through formation of political cadre tribal camps which promotes bickering. The political cadre tribal camps usually do not belong to the same ethnic group speaking the same language such as Tonga, Bemba e.t.c but are based on power relationships and patronage and they usually report each other to party leaderships, in their struggle for power and recognition within the party. New tribalism influences opinions and debates in the public domain. New tribalism develops nepotistic tendencies, as people belonging to a particular individual pledge their loyalty to that person in order to get favours in securing patronage or jobs in government and private sector. Consequently, there is general dissatisfaction among the cadres who are denied access to these privileges as a result creating internal wrangles fuelled by interest groups loyal to the individual. The challenge Wynter Kabimba faces today is purely a lack of being democratically elected by the party members? Wynter allegiance is to Sata than to members of the party. Well, there are lessons to be learnt here for PF or any other political party. Where does Wynter as party Secretary General of the party draw his legitimacy if he was not constitutionally elected? Someone defined democracy as “basically, government in which the supreme power is vested in the people.” The people choose leaders through periodic elections. During the elections the majority vote is carried. If democracy must prevail and benefit our society, then we must revisit our concept of democracy and understand that while democracy offers us freedom, and promise of a successful nation, it challenges us to be responsible citizens. It is the responsibility of every citizen to ensure that the media, both public and private maintains independent and objective reporting, free from political influence, to ensure healthy and competitive democracy for multiparty and interparty democracy. New Tribalism must be weeded out to promote tolerance and national unity as we work together towards ideal democracy.
Posted on: Tue, 08 Jul 2014 02:50:09 +0000

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