Newcastle United owner Mike Ashley The natives are restless. They - TopicsExpress


Newcastle United owner Mike Ashley The natives are restless. They wish to get rid of Mike Ashley, to run him out of Toon and pray the next guy is more fan-friendly. United’s supporters are tired, exasperated, angry, resigned and bitter all at one time. They are sick and fed up of being perceived as a laughing stock by others residing elsewhere in a better place. The final humiliation for them was the farcical return of Joe Kinnear and the resultant farce of the summer transfer window. What to do has become the talking point... march in protest waving banners and flag of defiance, boycott the home Capital One Cup tie against Leeds say others to hit Ashley in the pocket. Stop buying pies, pints, programmes and paraphernalia is a further desperate suggestion. Yeah, okay, all right. We get the drift. However, let us cut to the bottom line. Even if rebel fans don’t wish to hear it, the truth is that Ashley won’t leave until he is good and ready. Until a buyer waves enough millions in his direction or he gets bored with his latest toy and his acts of indifference. Even then a football club is not like a discarded toy you can take to a charity shop and dump. Someone has to pay something even if the price is reduced. Public opinion bothers Ashley not a jot – or at least not enough for him to up tent in the middle of the night and scurry out of town. When the blow torches are turned up, as in the past, he merely stops coming to games until the clouds clear. Not actually residing in the city is to his distinct advantage. Ashley has presided over a series of dramas –publicly snubbing local heroes Kevin Keegan and Alan Shearer, a suicidal slide to relegation, using then humiliating Chris Hughton, threatening to rename St James’ Park, and taking on controversial sponsors Wonga. So why should the appointment of a walking PR disaster – Kinnear – and a steadfast refusal to invest in players more than is necessary to stay alive be any different? Now I’m not suggesting protest is never worthy. If voices were never raised against mountainous odds then miracles would never happen. However, I’m not holding my breath either. I’m not expecting a public statement that ‘the honourable thing’ is about to be done and the club is to be given away for a pound ‘because it is what its customers want.’ Ashley would argue if he ever spoke to us minions that he has paid for the right to be master and that is what he will continue to be. The privilege is his, he has the bottle through indifference to public opinion to survive, and he will dictate what happens next. He has earned much more money than any of us so he knows better. He would no doubt tell us his frugal financial policies have stood him in good stead in his other businesses and that Newcastle United is no more than one other company in his portfolio. Except that football is more than a business. More than a money-making vehicle. It is the heart of a great city. It is its pride, its symbol, its monument over more than 100 years. Newcastle United is what unites Newcastle, our pride, joy, and privilege. Unless you understand that you understand nothing. Does Ashley get that? /Davey
Posted on: Tue, 10 Sep 2013 12:18:40 +0000

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