News: Pilot Whales, Gillian Anderson, Sleep Drug, Joe Jonas - TopicsExpress


News: Pilot Whales, Gillian Anderson, Sleep Drug, Joe Jonas Obamacare enrollment surges... Dayna Morales, waitress involved in anti-gay tip hoax, suspended from job... Blockbuster sleep drug on the horizon? You heard that right: Gillian Anderson wearing an eel scarf. Nancy Sutley leaving White House post: A lesbian adviser to President Obama on environmental policy has announced she’ll depart the White House in February, ending the tenure of one the longest-serving openly LGBT members of the Obama administration. Joe Jonas is owning a moustache right now. Extremist Rep. Duncan Hunter has a plan for Iran: Nuke em. I think if you have to hit Iran, you don’t put boots on the ground, you do it with tactical nuclear devices and you set them back a decade or two or three. I think that’s the way to do it with a massive aerial bombardment campaign. Guardian staff could face terrorism charges over NSA leaks: British police are examining whether Guardian newspaper staff should be investigated for terrorism offences over their handling of data leaked by Edward Snowden, Britains senior counter-terrorism officer said on Tuesday. The disclosure came after Guardian editor Alan Rusbridger, summoned to give evidence at a parliamentary inquiry, was accused by lawmakers of helping terrorists by making top secret information public and sharing it with other news organisations. Vin Diesel and Michelle Rodriguez pay tribute to Paul Walker. It will be hard for Stephen Moyer to walk away from True Blood. It’s just a group of people that I absolutely love and it’s certainly the happiest and warmest set I’ve ever been on... The first White House briefing on AIDS in 1992 was a disgusting display of homophobia. NYCs David Barton Gym to move into the old Limelight nightclub: The property has had a rocky past since the infamous Limelight fell victim to predictable internal disarray and Rudy Giuliani‘s war against nightlife in 1997. It briefly housed the forgettable Avalon dance club and, in 2010, went retail with the ill-fated Limelight Marketplace, a collection of shops and food vendors. Parents cut ties with anti-gay church to honor their gay son. TMZ: Tom Daley holding hands with an attractive female friend. Rosetta spacecraft on track to land on comet in 2014: At precisely 10am GMT on 20 January next year, a tiny electronic chip inside Europes Rosetta spacecraft will flicker into life. The robot probe will then be several hundred million miles from Earth, an orbit that will be bringing it closer and closer to Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko, a massive ball of ice, dust and organic materials that orbits the Sun every six and a half years. Town Hall believes liberalism is on the wrong side of history. 30 pilot whales stranded off coast of Florida: Dozens of pilot whales are stranded in the shallow waters of remote area in Everglades National Park. Floridian marine life experts are on a mission Wednesday to return these majestic mammals back to the Gulf of Mexico before their luck dries up. George Clooney: If youre famous and on Twitter, youre a moron. Australan Rugby Union places Bingham Cup on display. Research group mines data from 600,000 your call may be monitored conversations and finds out which state swears the most: People in Ohio cursed the most as compared to every other state in the Union: They swore in one out of about every 150 phone conversations. Ohio was followed, respectively, by Maryland, New Jersey, Louisiana, and Illinois. Freedom to Marrys Evan Wolfson talks to Variety about the role of Hollywood in gaining gay equality: “No one is better at telling stories and sparking conversation than Hollywood. So that climate, that air cover of storytelling and engaging people to think anew, is what enables the ground game of the personal conversations and the legal and political work to succeed.”
Posted on: Wed, 04 Dec 2013 20:53:41 +0000

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