Nicoles backstory. (wip) It started off a normal day. My family - TopicsExpress


Nicoles backstory. (wip) It started off a normal day. My family and I were going to the zoo later, and the weather was great. After grabbing a bite to eat I changed clothes and brushed my teeth. Everything was fine. Then they happened. I suppose their arrival at my door should have warned me enough, but I can be a bit stubborn at times. A woman, Japanese by my guess, and a well built man knocked on my door. I was heading out anyways, so I opened it. “Miss, have you seen anything... strange around here lately?” the man asked, his American accent clear. He was dressed in pretty normal attire, except for the long trench coat hung over his frame. It was old, maybe WWII? “Strange how?” I replied, and the two strangers looked at each other for a moment before the woman responded. “I dont know, anything unusual, or... alien?” “Alien?” I laughed “Nope, no little green men have bugged me. Just the two of you. Ive got somewhere to go, so scoot.” With that I headed out the door into the hallway, but the man stepped in front of me. “If you see anything, let us know. Im Captain Jack Harkness and this is Toshiko. Were with Torchwood.” “Yeah, sure, and Im the queen of France.” And that wasnt the last encounter Id have with them, oh no. I met up with my family around 2:30pm and we all headed to the zoo. This was a special zoo too, they had all kinds of ways you could get up close and personal with the animals. One of my favorites was a jeep ride that went around the whole thing, and drove through several of the exhibits. So, just as the sun was dipping low in the sky I separated from my family for the day and went to catch a jeep. It was great! I got to feed some giraffes, and a little penguin came right up to the car door. But then we entered the wolf cage. Usually we didnt even see the wolves, as they would go into their caves before the jeep arrived. But today there were three. A brown wolf, a white wolf, and a big black wolf with green eyes. We stopped to look at them, which was out first mistake. It was the back of the pen, completely hidden from sight. Then they surrounded us, snarling and jumping at the car. One broke the hood of the car, and another ripped the tires. It was unbelievable! Thats when the black one shattered the windshield and jumped in, killing the driver. I thought he was going to kill me too, but as he bit down on my forearm and loud siren sounded. In the wink of an eye all three wolves were retreating and I was left in a broken car, holding my bloody arm. At that point everything went fuzzy, and I felt immense pain everywhere in my body. It was like something was trying to take over. And it did. I awoke a few minutes later, ears ringing. Standing right in front of me on the hood of the car was that man, Captain Jack Harkness, and to my right stood another man. Both had their guns pointed at me, fingers on the triggers. “What happened?” I tried to ask, but all that came out was a sound that resembled the deep bark of a wolf. “Keep your eyes on it Owen.” It was Jack, who stared at me with aggression in his eyes. “We dont know what it is.” “Gotchs boss, keepin my eyes on it.” Thats when I realized they were talking about me. Shifting a bit I looked to the side and saw my hand. Except instead of the usual bare, tan, skin that covered my body it was covered in white fur. Terrified I scooted backwards into the seat, only to realize Id completely transformed. I was not human anymore – or at least I did not appear to be. I had the face and head of a wolf, with long tufted ears. My torso and arms werent that different, but my legs were long and bent back like a dogs... or something. My feet were also like a wolf, and my entire body was covered in smooth white fur. “Whats it doing?” Owen asked, since Id just been sitting there for a time, probably appearing to freak out. “I dont know. It might be trying to distract us, or just biding its time.” Jack replied carefully. “Cant I just shoot it and we can go home?” “No! We need it alive, weve never encountered anything quite like it before. No shooting. Soon Gwen and Tosh will be here with the net. Until then, we wait.” Well, I was pretty terrified at that point and had no desire to get shot, so I did what any normal creature would do. Run! In a flash I was out of the car and off into the night. I could hear Jacks cry of “Damn it!” behind me as I galloped off. The way I ran was somewhat like a wolf, though unlike a wolf as well. However it worked, my long back legs make for a quick escape, and were quite helpful for leaping over the fence surrounding the wolf enclosure. Just as I did so my large ears picked up screeching tires coming from where I had just bolted from. “Were here!” I heard a new voice, tinged with a strong welsh accent. “Too late,” Owen replied. “Its gone.” Out of breath and completely confused I darted down an alleyway, far into the deserted part of town. A pile of old newspapers and cardboard had been blown against the alleys brick end and formed a decent bed. Better than the ground, anyways. Now the sun was down temperatures had dropped, and the little breeze which started up didnt help things. And my family doesnt even know anythings wrong, their probably out to dinner right now. This thought crossed my mind as I lay huddled in the dark corner. Better get some sleep, its going to be a long day tomorrow.... or may a long the rest of my life. With that final thought I drifted off to sleep, exhausted from the evenings adventure. Unknown to me the group met at Torchwood headquarters later to discuss how to capture me. “You know my vote.” Owen stated. “Two shots in the head. Bang, bang, and were done.” Jack sighed and shook his head. “You know we cant do that Owen. Besides, so far it hasn’t seemed to pose any threat to anyone.” “Yeah, so far.” Owen retorted, “But did you see its teeth and claws? That things obviously a predator. And what happens when it gets hungry? Hmm?” “Owen, dont talk like that.” This time it was Gwens Welsh accent that broke the air. “Nothing bad has happened so far, and were not going to let it. Tosh has made a net for us that once its placed over the creature, will make it pass out using a chemical... something.” “Exactly,” added Jack. “Then well throw it in the truck, bring it back here, and lock it up. No one will ever know it existed.” “Fine.” Owen huffed. “Im going to bed now. See you guys in the morning.” “Not so fast.” Tosh entered the room, holding a large mess of woven rope in her arms. The nets ready. The creature probably wont come out in the day, if it is anything like a wolf. It will hunt at night, which means we go now.” “There it is!” Owens voice woke me. He was calling out to Jack and Gwen who bolted over. “I have to admit Jack, its quite the creature. Almost beautiful if you forget the fact its an alien.” I backed into the wall behind me, facing the three. In Gwens arms was the net, which Jack took part of as they prepared to throw it over me. “3...2...” Jack counted down, almost in a whisper. No doubt he was counting down to signal Gwen when to toss. “1...” Before I could blink the mess of rope had been thrown over my strange body. With a howl I jumped to my feet, trying to shake it off and run. But the sedative had already begun to work. For the second time in one day my vision went blurry and I passed out, crumpled on the concrete. “What a beautiful creature.” This time is was Gwens voice that woke me. My eyes fluttered open as memories of the recent events flooded my mind. Looking around my head shot up and I realized I was in a cell of sorts. The walls were stone, and the front panel was some sort of thick fiberglass with several breathing holes cut in it. I stood regularly for the first time since my transformation, a good two heads taller than most men. Gwen watched at me and smiled. “Its much prettier than other aliens weve encountered, isn’t it? And look at that! It stands like a human!” “But what is it?” Jack walked over and stood next to Gwen. “Shes a Skalaar.” Tosh entered the dimly lit room with a smile on her face. “I had to dig down in the records pretty far to find that out.” “Its a she?” I looked at Harkness as he said that. “How can you tell Tosh?” “The ear tufts. According to this only the females have that. Unfortunately it doesnt tell us much else about them. We dont even know where she came from.” “Well what are we going to do with her? Cant just leave her down here with the weavles.” Gwen shuddered as she finished talking, glancing at the snarling creatures a few cells down. “Sure we can.” Owen walked over from where hed been watching silently. “Just leave it down here like the weavles, and try to forget it exists. Or maybe... am I allowed to do dissections in the autopsy room? Then we could get to know a bit more about these things.” “Absolutely not!” Jack shouted, making everyone jump a bit. “Why are you so against this one? Youre not usually like this. And shes a her, not an it.” “Yeah, whatever.” Owen turned and left to room. A few hours later I sat alone in the corner of my cell, staring at the fiberglass wall. Everyone had left by then, probably to go home for the night. Even the weavles a few cells down were quite, leaving an eeriness in the room. Throughout the night it had felt as though a little part of my brain was a creature, an animal. And as each hour passed the little part of me that was animal took over a little part of me that was human. Then I heard the sound of metal sliding against metal, and a squeaking as the door opened slowly. I looked up to find Owen was the one who had come down, much to my surprise. “Hello girl. I thought you might be hungry.” he was carrying a plate with a few cooked chicken breasts on it, and a large dinner roll. “Ah, forget the pleasantry. I was bored and decided to steal Jacks lunch for tomorrow since he made me take night shift.” the man laughed a bit to himself. “ Anyways, heres something to each if you want it.” walking over to my cell he slid the plate in through a small rectangular hole just above the ground. I approached the food cautiously on all fours, not taking my eyes off him. Then, slowly I stood and walked up to the clear divider, placing my hand, or forepaw I suppose it might be called now, against the glass. As Owen watched me I watched him back with clear blue eyes. By this point Id discovered I was not able to speak in any way he would understand, so I remained silent. Suddenly the look in Owens eyes changed, from an onlooker with attitude, to someone that really cared. “Theres more to you than meets the eye, isnt there? Something deeper, way down in your heart. Some sort of conscious thats almost... human.” He took a step closer to the glass, placing his hand on it where my furry hand-paw rested. “Im not going to let them keep you down here, no way. Jack was right, youre not going to hurt anyone, are you? You just want to get out of this drab place. Well tell you what, Im getting you out. Even if I have to sneak you out the front door. I promise.” A little tear rolled from the corner of his eye. “I...” he sniffed, “I know whats its like to wake up different, not quite sure what you are. I died once then came back. But Im different now, and I can feel it. They tried to keep me locked up too. Said I was dangerous they did. But I wasnt. No, I was just scared. Just like you are now. And thats why Im going to help you.”
Posted on: Mon, 05 Jan 2015 21:38:33 +0000

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