Nifty before Fifty Some of you may know that I am going to be 50 - TopicsExpress


Nifty before Fifty Some of you may know that I am going to be 50 in approximately 6 Months. At the beginning of the year I set myself a personal challenge that I was going to be NIFTY before 50. Nifty before 50 means a number of things. Physically Fit I am going to be FIT before I am 50. Progress so far: I have continued with my twice-weekly gym attendance. Increasing to 3 sometime even 4. I am receiving and participating in great chiropractic treatment for a long-standing back problem. I have been properly diagnosed and for the first time in 12 years I am really optimistic for the future. Healthy Weight I will lose 50 pounds before I am 50. So far I have lost 18 pounds. (Going on an All- Inclusive holiday at the beginning of the year did not help my starting weight.) I have only really started to focus on the diet since the beginning of June when I realized the 12 months to lose the weigh had already dwindled to 7 months. However, I am on my way to the goal. I will be 50lbs lighter before I am 50 years old. I must admit my dieting is a little erratic, but I did complete a 3-day detox with Juice Life. I lost 6lbs in 3 days. This was then followed by a further 4lbs during the same week. Total Weight Loss 10lbs in 7 days!! A great kick start to any diet. Let me say a little bit more about Juice Life Detox programme. It was simple and really effective. I had 5 juices everyday. My 3day regime was ➢ Breakfast Morning Glory ➢ Mid Morning Snack Carrot ➢ Lunch Green Warrior ➢ Mid Afternoon Snack Beets ➢ Green Warrior Green Warrior At the times I felt “hungry” I ate hummus and crudities. I think this feeling of hunger was a psychologically feeling of the desire to eat, as I would prepare a plate of crudities and humus and could never eat the full amount. Mind you I do have “eyes that are bigger than my belly” Throughout the detox I felt energized, yet calm. I slept well. Yes more than my usual 4 hours per night!! On day 3 I did have a headache. But I knew that this was due to caffeine withdrawal. I succumbed to coffee on day 4. (Well the detox was complete. Headache went and I continued 3 juices a day with 2 meals per day. Again, Easy Peasy. To find out more go to .uk If you would like to sponsor my weight loss. All monies will go to Hope4help Healthy Mind. I have started working in Mental Health more than 30 years ago. I realize the importance of a healthy mind. I try to avoid stress where possible and will always try to turn a frown upside down. Simply, I love to smile. And love to see other smile. One of the pivotal changes for me came about when my Personal trainer said to me in April. “You cant do that!!” He challenged me and my commitment to my own well-being! You all know what my response to him was!! I always say I can do anything if I set my mind to it. I remind myself, daily, that I have an inner strength that is awe-inspiring. My body, although not massively strong has withstood pain and physically challenges that surprised me. I did climb a little hill call Kilimanjaro in 2010 with high blood pressure, a bad back, bad knees and a womb full of fibroids. Mental strength took me to that summit. I did it!! So, just think what more I could do if I am mentally fit. I am reading a book called “The Big Leap” by Guy Hendricks (also recommended by my Personal Trainer) All I am going to say to you is, read it. It will change your life. I am on an amazing journey right now and I know that some of my friends and family are already on the journey with me. Their support has been fantastic. Thank you all, now and forever. I am busy, busy with living my life to the fullest. I am doing and planning to do all of the things I want to do. A high light of that is to visit the Grand Canyon next year. This is a trek I will be doing for the charity which I co founded in 2006 Hope4Help. I am looking for sponsors, lots of them. Please make any payments toHope4 help. I will be setting up a Just giving/Every click page very soon. To make payments easy, but in the meantime, please contact me and I will give you details of how to donate. So far 5 friends, Amy, Kristy, Usha, Gareth and John have agreed to join me on this incredible journey. We would like to take 3 more people. Making a group of 9. If you are interested in joining us, please send me an email and I will provide you with further details. Email karedhutchinson@gmail Information will also be available on Hope4help website (presently under reconstruction) I will try to give you all an update on a monthly basis of the progress to far. Please watch this space. Thank you again for all you support and love. Love Always Nuff Love Karen Dawn
Posted on: Fri, 05 Jul 2013 05:11:04 +0000

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