Nigeria gathers a National Conference and forecloses any - TopicsExpress


Nigeria gathers a National Conference and forecloses any discussion about its unity. If it is an issue and they choose not to talk about it would it make it go away? The issues will continue seething and possibly resurface as violent agitation. Choosing not to talk may be tantamount to choosing to fight. Then eventually accepting to talk after futile wasteful violence. East Timor and Indonesia, Ethiopia and Eritrea, Kosovo and Serbia, South Sudan and Sudan being examples. The leadership does not realize that secessionist urges lose it momentum when allowed room but gain support when suppressed. The problems that cause secession often follow the secessionists into their new state. South Sudan is a current example. So is Eritrea that seceded from Ethiopia. These problems are mostly just the manifestations of underdevelopment and are therefore intrinsic to being under-developed (whether in the old state or the new) The difference between developed and under-developed countries is simply that developed countries have been accumulating development over a longer period... 300 years...1000 years. French speaking Quebec in English speaking Canada holds periodic referenda on secession. Large nation states are large economic entities. In accord with the present trend to bring economies together, The EU, ECOWAS, ASEAN and such being examples.
Posted on: Mon, 24 Mar 2014 17:54:22 +0000

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