Nishkam Karma Practice of Nishkam Karma (desireless action) is - TopicsExpress


Nishkam Karma Practice of Nishkam Karma (desireless action) is getting popular in various circles of management studies and business ethics. I would like to illustrate the concept for anyone interested to know. Thou hast a right to action, but only to action, never to its fruits; let not the fruits of thy works be thy motive, neither let there be in thee any attachment to inactivity. The Bhagavadgita, Verse 47, Chapter 2 In Bhagavad Gita, Krishna tells Arjuna to focus on the action not the outcome. It is the action which is in our hands, result is not in our control. Action done with its fruits in mind brings expectations and these can never be completely met resulting in undue misery. Nishkam Karma is pure action. Because there will be no expectation of any rewards or fruits, there will be no sadness afterwards. Its what they are saying Duty for dutys sake. Success is in doing not rewards. Scientifically speaking, outcome is highly dependent on quality of action. Quality of action is corelated with intensity of attention. Intensity of intention comes with a focused mind. And mind will only be focused when it is not divided. Acting while also fantasizing about the outomce creates a division. This lowers effectiveness of action and also creates chemical imbalance in body. It is one of the main reasons of anxiety and frustration. On the other hand, chances of achieving a better outcome will only decrease with a divided mind. Pure action is possible only when mind and heart are attuned. If there is a division then no-action is better than any action. But one should not also be attached to no-action. When mind and body are urging to act then action is necessary.
Posted on: Thu, 13 Mar 2014 11:58:35 +0000

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