No Bankster Criminal Charges! UK Reporters Rant Goes - TopicsExpress


No Bankster Criminal Charges! UK Reporters Rant Goes Viral well as it should have. A real news reporter’s on-screen meltdown has finally captured a generation’s anger at the banks and the bankers who hold our economic fortunes in their hands with such callous indifference. When Paul Mason, the economics editor on Britain’s Channel 4 News, was asked to cover yet another massive fraud perpetrated by bankers against their own customers, he could keep his cool no longer. He bested Will McAvoy’s Newsroom rant with fewer rhetorical flourishes, but more furious indignation. “I’m just sick of it,” he began; demanding that bank regulators and the police start catching the crooks who are allowed to thrive, virtually unchecked, in the rotten financial sector. “All we ask, all we can ask, is that the regulators do their job proactively. That they actually get on the case,” he spluttered. “They get on the case and stop wrong doing – what’s so hard about it?” The impassioned and impromptu rant was recorded on the street outside the London offices of the Royal Bank of Scotland hours after it was announced that six banks on both sides of the Atlantic had been fined more than $4 billion for rigging foreign currency exchanges without any sign of forthcoming prosecutions. The two minute clip posted on Channel 4’s Facebook page has attracted well over a million views and hundreds of supportive comments ranging from “Good lad” to “What a bunch of shysters.” It was recorded as a little online extra while Mason and his crew waited to film a stand-up for the broadcast news program. They had just been asked moved away from the main entrance by the bank’s security guards. At several points in the edited video, Mason looks as though he is about to lose it altogether and unleash a stream of foul-mouthed abuse. A network insider insisted: “No expletives were uttered by Mr Mason in the recording of his rant.” But it must have been close. (video at link) https://facebook/video.php?v=10152514441056939
Posted on: Wed, 19 Nov 2014 16:14:21 +0000

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