No Foreign Aid , No Radio Australia How are we to build any - TopicsExpress


No Foreign Aid , No Radio Australia How are we to build any kind of relationship with the region?? Radio Australia is a vital service in the Pacific Islands reporting on and covering issues that no other media outlet covers. It has huge audience ratings but is often forgotten in Australia because it is not heard here. The cuts to Australia Network are now set to affect Radio Australia as well. In tough time radio is an inexpensive and effective way of maintaining our expertise so that we are ready to rise like a phoenix when the political environment improves. It is also able to report on more issues, in more depth and more quickly than TV and therefore is an important source for and method of keeping our online offering as rich and varied as possible. Please send your views to [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] [email protected] These are Managing Director, Director of News, Director of International, Head of ABC News Content, Editor ABC Asia Pacific News Centre and staff elected Director Matt Peacock. Hi friends, I hope you are well! ABC management is looking at how to cope with the budget cuts resulting from the cancellation of the Australia Network contract. This doesnt just affect Australia Network but may result in substantial cuts to Radio Australia as the ABC tries to use some of the money it still has for radio to keep some TV programs, contracts in Asia, the mobile and online services connected with Australia Network going too. The scale of the cut is huge - 60 per cent of our budget has been lost ($21 of $35 million a year). This is for broadcasts to a geographic area ranging from French Polynesia in the east to India in the west and FSM and China in the north. I dont think anyone out there much knows that Radio Australia and its online offering is on the line. Management has just sent out an email (an hour ago) asking for any feedback we have from our audience about the cuts - and they want it by close of business tomorrow (Friday 23rd May)!! If you or any of your network have thoughts you would like to share on what you value about Radio Australia, Australia Network, online services etc (or for that matter what isnt needed!), its role in the region or in your own life please me know so I can pass it on. If you wish to give some feedback but want me to keep your name confidential I would be happy to do that. Your input would be much appreciated! Thanks very much - and sorry for the very short notice!
Posted on: Sat, 24 May 2014 08:19:28 +0000

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