No Sunday night service tonight. Sunday night Facebook mini - TopicsExpress


No Sunday night service tonight. Sunday night Facebook mini Sermon! SCRIPTURES: Matthew 8:5-13; Luke 7:1-7 JESUS HEALS A SOLDIERS SERVANT!! To teach that Jesus wants us to believe His words! Many Jews hated the Roman soldiers who occupied their country. But in Capernaum there was one roman soldier who was liked and respected. He was a centurion, which means he was captain of a company of one hundred soldiers, and he was kind and considerate. When the Jews needed a new synagogue, he had a beautiful new one built for them. One day on of the centurions servants became ill. The centurion remembered all the stories he had heard about Jesus. He knew that Jesus could make his servant well. The centurion went to find the elders who were the leaders of Gods people. He told them about his servant. Please ask Jesus to make my servant well, the elders pushed their way through the crowed of people. When they stood before Jesus they said, There is a centurion who has a sick servant. He wants You to come and heal the servant. The elders thought Jesus would be sure to help the centurion b/c he had built them a church. They did not realize that Jesus helps everyone who wants His help. Jesus started to go to the centurions home. His disciples and all the people followed Him b/c of all the people around Him Jesus couldnt move very fast. The centurion was told that Jesus was coming. Quickly he sent some friends with a message for Jesus. The messengers hurried and met Jesus along the road. They told Him what the centurion has said. The message was, Sir, Please dont inconvenience Yourself by coming to my house. I am not worthy of such honer, Just say the word and my servant will get well. I have soldiers under my command. I can say to one of them, Go! and he does go. I can say come! and he comes. So I know Your Word is enough, Jesus turned around to the crowed of people and said, I have not found so great faith, no, not in Israel. Jesus meant that the centurion trusted Him more then the Jews did, and they were Gods own people. Right then, back at the centurions home the servant was healed. Once again Jesus had done something wonderful, and all b/c the centurion had showed faith to Him! From Capernaum, Jesus headed for a place called Nain. As he came near the city, He saw a funeral procession marching from the citys gates. A group of mourners surrounded a stretcher on which a young dead man lay. The dead man was the only son of a widow lady. He had been the only person the lady had to help her. Jesus felt sorry for the mother. He went close beside her and gently said, Dont weep. Then He reached over and touched the stretcher. Those carrying the stretcher stopped. All gathered around and watched. In a clear strong voice Jesus said, Young man, I say unto you to rise. The young man opened his eyes and Jesus took him by the hand and helped him off the stretcher! Quiet fell on the group as the people sensed that they stood in the presence of God. He had given the widow back her son. Jesus had turned her sorrow into Joy! Jesus can do anything! We serve a powerful God Who invites you to bring all your troubles and needs to Him in Prayer. What a wonderful privilege. How much Faith do we really have?? ;) LUIJ (Love You In Jesus)
Posted on: Mon, 12 Jan 2015 00:46:58 +0000

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