“No deception. Just make the keys to knowledge inherently - TopicsExpress


“No deception. Just make the keys to knowledge inherently exclusive. Mysterious, so that initiation and the learning of skills require lifetime study. Because it takes a lifetime of study to acquire knowledge, the experience of learning will itself create a barrier between the elite with time for study and the multitudes laboring at other necessary work for society: peasants, artisans, fishers, sailors, traders.” “This means setting aside tremendous resources for the elite.” “And keeping the rest of society down to minimal resources. It can be done.” “How would you get the majority to agree?” “It’s not a question of asking anyone.” “Just hitting people on the head, then?” “But not the way you think. Tell them the gods say so. You’d be surprised what people will believe if you say it comes from the gods.” “It’s a lie.” “What if it is? Great faith supports great lies. The greatest religion must be founded on the greatest lie.” “Is anything important enough to justify such deceit?” “Certainly. Once we separate the few thinkers from the multitude of believers, we thinkers will be free to do only what we do best: survey the universe, and make rules for the multitudes. Some among us can organize spectacular ceremonies to make living under the gods feel good. And we can leave the work of farming and herding and tending and curing and building to those too busy enjoying life to set aside time to think.” Ayi Kwei Armah “KMT: in the house of life: an epistemic [Knowledge, understanding] novel” Page 267
Posted on: Wed, 11 Sep 2013 13:04:17 +0000

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