No internet last night - sorry! Haiti Trip Update #6 Wednesday, - TopicsExpress


No internet last night - sorry! Haiti Trip Update #6 Wednesday, July 24, 2013 This morning we got up and had a nice breakfast next to the beach and then Sarah led a great devotional about spiritual gifts and how she sees how God has brought people together on this team with different gifts and it’s working out so beautifully. Then Tiffany suggested that we go around the table highlighting the gifts and positive things we are seeing exemplified in each other while on this trip. Most were in tears, even all the men – it was a very sweet and encouraging time. Brett and I had some issues with paying when we were checking out so I spent quite a bit of time in the manager’s office. While we were waiting I got a chance to talk with the manager. He is a Polish Jew whose family moved to Belgium and then he came to Haiti for work where he ended up marrying a Haitian woman and having 5 children with her. He has been in Haiti for 30 years. He wanted to talk to me about our orphanage because after the earthquake half of a large orphanage in Cabaret fell down so he and his wife took half of those kids (75) into their own large home in the mountains and turned it into an orphanage. Can you imagine taking 5 kids into your own home?!?! We had a discussion about how my husband is of Jewish descent and other acquaintances of mine are Messianic Jews. He didn’t really understand that so I got to sit there, in Haiti, witnessing to a Jewish man about why we believe Jesus was the Messiah and is the Son of God…sooo interesting. After we left the resort we went to an orphanage nearby where Celissa knows the director. Her name is Dina and she was an orphan herself who grew up to have a huge heart for orphans. After the earthquake she worked very hard to raise some money in Haiti and find a humble place to rent and has taken in 35 kids of all ages. They are very poor so it is only herself and her cousin (a young man) who take care of all those kids. In spite of that, the team was impressed with the difference between hers and Louissainte’s. These children were obviously well taken care of, well loved, well educated and they sang beautifully to us – not cute like other orphanages, but almost angelic sounding. One of their songs was “Shout to the Lord.” The team performed their puppet show, a skit that they then had the kids come up and act out, helped the kids make bead bracelets and then they all got boxes of crayons and coloring sheets. We got a little tour of the orphanage and found it to be VERY humble, but nice and neat. They had their water pump stolen so since we just replaced ours, we are going to try to fix our old one and give it to them. We were also all led to take a collection from the team and give Dina an offering to help with expenses. It was a very special experience and we were SO glad that the men could be there with us. Had the generator not been broken, we would not have been forced to stay at the resort and therefore the men wouldn’t have been there to go to the orphanage with us. We have found that happening a lot – what Satan is using to try to discourage us, God is using to redirect our plans to be in line with what HE wants us doing. In fact, that is what Bernhard’s devotional was about tonight. When we got back to Barbancourt, Celissa and I immediately left for Port to shop for a new generator while the mechanic came to our place to work on ours. Long story short, we did not end up buying one for right now. The mechanic got ours working in the meantime. However, when we got back home, it was broken down again. So the mechanic came back tonight and the men were amazed watching him work with the very limited things that he had. He shorted out a battery to get sparks to weld a wire to the fuel pump. Every time he would hold it and was arcing the battery, sending a current through it, he was getting shocked and wouldn’t even grimace. He was very tough and patient. I came inside and asked Juliana to lead the group in prayer for the generator and in 15 minutes it was back on and we had power! Thank you Jesus! (Now it’s midnight and Brett, Greg and I are up trying to figure out why the refrigerator (with all our food in it ☹) is not cold). Oh boy…. Alexa and Tiffany cooked dinner tonight. Marta taught them how to make these Russian ground turkey patties called Kaklets, which they grilled on the bbq outside (a grate on some cinder blocks with Haitian charcoal underneath). The girls also got more painting done today. Tomorrow we are supposed to go to an orphanage in the mountains and another one in Williamson to minister to the children. Please pray for travel safety, for people to not get carsick (A LOT of people on this team suffer from that), for the generator, for God to work through us to bless the orphanages, and also for the continued spiritual growth of these young girls (and the rest of us too!) It is looking like the week is going to culminate with baptisms in the Caribbean Sea when we go to the beach Saturday afternoon, our last day. So pray for those who are wanting to do this and those maybe still considering, as these 7 young girls are at pivotal points in their lives, making huge decisions that will impact the rest of their lives, and several are also pretty young in their spiritual journeys but are growing by leaps and bounds on this trip. It’s awesome to witness. Thank you for your prayers. In Christ, Nikki
Posted on: Thu, 25 Jul 2013 13:25:58 +0000

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