No matter how angus you are one should never raise their voice at - TopicsExpress


No matter how angus you are one should never raise their voice at their rents.. #Jahr Trials of Love PART 7 He stops, looks at me and walks back to the car he doesn’t even hold my hand like he usually did and when he walked past me I felt a little heart broken. That night I stayed with him, well I stayed in the same house but not together because he was not in the boyfriend mood. I woke up early the next morning and decided i was going to walk home. I was half way down the street when I heard the sound of someone running in jandals. “hun wait please stop. Im sorry for not talking to you its just that I don’t want us to fight and instead of saying something hurtful it was best that I just keep my mouth shut.” “its ok baby I don’t know what came over me iv never given into my anger before but being with you makes me feel strong, like I can stand up for myself and not feel bad for it.” “im glad you feel that way bub but you need to understand you cant speak like that to your father? It makes it look like you have a new attitude just because we’re together? Almost like its my fault that your playing up” I continued walking in silence as he held my hand ever so gently as to let me know that he loves me and wants whats best. We got to my house and I told him that I should go in alone and cop what ever it is that was going to happen. He kissed me sweetly and made a smart ass remark “ua laia lou fia faalii lea uo le ai so’u happy time” (Thats what happens if you wanna be in a angry mood now i got no happy time lol) I slapped him and laughed my way to our front door “good luck hun go put on heaps of clothes hahahaha” I flashed the middle finger and told him to get home safely. Ok I was in the house now and dad told me to come sit down, dad did all the talking mum never really speaks to me unless she absolutely needs too but I think my dad had this on lock lol. “toniola o le a le mea ga e mafaufau I ai I lou aluga gae ga e alu ai? O a’u o sau friend? Po’o a u o lou kama? Ke ofo a’u toniola I ia te oe ma lou le alofa mai I lou kama e ku aku a e alu ae lea oke ku aku I ou luma. Vaai oe ua uma upu ua ou a’oai atu ia te oe. Ole faaaloalo e taua. Ole faaaloalo e faaali ai le alofa….” (Toniola what were you thinking at the time you left? Do you think im your friend? or do you think im your Dad? I cant believe you Toniola, cant believe you, you show that you dont care for your Dad, you stand up go but im here, your Dad, the one person you should respect! Im thru with all the teachings i taught you with. Respect is the most important principle that you should know, showing respect unto others is like showing love & caring for them!) The talk went on for a good 3 hours, My dad didn’t even have to finish what he was saying and I was already crying. How could I do this to him? It was sitting there that I started to realize how different I had become, how toni-less I was becoming. I hadn’t attended loku sense what happened the night of my birthday and I sleep longer I started to realize that I was becoming someone im not. After that talk I started to clean I just kept cleaning until I could clean no more I thought to myself “this is what im supposed to do this is who I am” I went to sleep and ignored all alexs txts, facebook messages and phone calls. A month had gone by and the only time alex herd from me was when I would send him good Moring and good night txts to let him know I was ok and that I loved him. It was killing me to be away from him but I needed to get my head back to normal.
Posted on: Tue, 02 Sep 2014 09:40:00 +0000

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