No need to try to educate me on many of the facts, I know most of - TopicsExpress


No need to try to educate me on many of the facts, I know most of how America became a fundamentally transformed nation... but I never give up, never give in, and will never surrender. I listen and watch talk show hosts as they make fun of the dumb. Education has taken a severe nose dive since the 60s, and its fortunate I was able to escape public indoctrination. Yes, the deliberate dumbing-down of Americans is a tragedy for our nation as the PTB have turned the citizenry into mindless sheep waiting for their next check, hot dog, beer, joint, fix, and game. Today, much of America is aged as the Greatest Generation passes away, along with their offspring now retiring who produced far less children than the generation before. As poverty in America was increased, the welfare mom needed more money so there was more unwanted children produced as only an income source. Thus our ghettos grew, as did violence, crime, drug abuse, and more important... hate! The fuel fed the fire. Yes, all part of the plan in the destruction of a great nation and the downfall of its people. Notice today how the rich, powerful, and elected (or appointed) are either related somehow, or are associated through a network of the same? Also notice how we cannot intrude into their world, but they intrude into ours at will? Notice also that their web of control now has practically silked over everything, where if you are a round peg, youll never fit into any of their square holes? We are being singled out one at a time if we stand above others to lead, and attacked as a group to make fear a household name. Those who are voicing their objections are the ones like us, educated with common sense, and a vision to see and understand what the heck they are up to. Their job was to get to the average Joe and Jane before we did, and they beat us handsomely! We became caught up in distraction and took America for granted. They worked feverishly behind closed doors, in the shadows, late at night to devise plans of attack while we played on the beach, went to Disneyland, watched TV and movies, listened to music, and enjoyed the fruits of our labor. Isnt that what America is all about? For those who have yet to be caught up in the American downfall, life goes on without a worry, and until it hits home, there will be no reaction from them. Others have learned that you attract more flies with poop than honey, so they try to use the Left towards their personal advantage hoping for great gains... they are but a fish caught on their hook. I will give these people credit for accomplishing what Germany, Japan, China, Russia, and England couldnt do. For we cannot be taken from outside without being taken from within. A piece here and a piece there at a time was all they needed, and the one thing they had that most dont have is patience. Its a shame that so few have such a drive to destroy to control. I guess evil is more refined than what I was taught. I do understand their thinking and methodology, but I also know its wrong and inhumane... but what do they care, for the PTB serve only one purpose, one master, one way of life... TO CONTROL IT ALL! deliberatedumbingdown/
Posted on: Mon, 01 Sep 2014 17:13:08 +0000

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