No wonder the Criminal US Government treats its citizens like - TopicsExpress


No wonder the Criminal US Government treats its citizens like stupid livestock, they seem to be just that! Once the Government starts ruling us with even one rule of their own not supported by the Majority of true citizens, they have committed Impeachable Treason. Now they have become the exact definition of the Mafia and the Communist Party, both of which they called Illegal Criminal Organizations, spent Billions of our Taxes and years fighting against. Now they prove it was fighting their Computation for the control and take over of our Freedoms and Rights, our Money and the Quality of our Lives based on How to Fleece us for the Most Money. Im ashamed of Americans, Our Constitution as written before Illegal Alterations - Stated our God given Freedom and Rights! Our Bill of Rights Forbid and provided that no One or Group of any kind could Pass Laws or Legislate in any way any Amendment that lessened the Freedom or Rights Provided in our Constitution! Our Constitution was written to ensure that our Country would forever be run by the Will of our Majority and to provide us the Directive and means to Eliminate any attempt by any One or Group to Alter that Power of the People to run their own lives by Majority Rule of the People. Made possible by and the soul reason for our 2nd. Amendment, that our now Communist Acting Criminal Organization of a Government shows its true colors by illegally and desperately spending our tax money against us in a forbidden attempt to disarm and take away our God given Right to protect ourselves and our way of Life! Obama wants to destroy our form of Government and our way of life with it. Our form of Government, having a Country ran by the Will of the Majority of its Citizens, is the only form of Government throughout the World that provides for Freedom, Equality, Peace, and Prosperity based on the Rights and Majority Rule of its Citizens! Only a Government of Corruption would spend all its time working to take away any of the Freedom and Rights that ensured the Greatness of its Country and the Liberties of its People to do well in Life! Corruption needs to be Punishable in our Government(Majority Rule or Prison), Secrets to protect lives in other Countries, Fine,(Secrets actions that effect our Country, our Citizens, protect or Hide Corruption are Forbidden or Prison for all involved), lying to get votes to gain an Office is strictly forbidden(Practice what you Preach or Prison). Citizens, with the corruption we face everyday everywhere, and the Stakes as high as they are throughout the World Now, We need these Stipulations made into Laws to Prevent and Fight Corruption in all Federal, State, and Local Positions of Authority from the President to the Officer on the street. Think about it? Obama illegally acts by himself against the Will of our Majority and faces no Prison for doing so! And I cant believe any Citizen wants Officers to be ordered to go beyond fighting crime and Harass Citizens for Funding, or to be charged a 130.00 or more for accidently going 5 MPH over the speed limit, knowing that going with the flow of traffic is safer then fighting it! We are spouse to be in control of our Laws by our Majoritys Will, but by setting out, We allow corruption in those We pay, and We become Victims to that Corruption! The will of our Majority that Rules our Lives is being ignored by every Organization we have established to make the quality of our lives better and safer, These Organizations no longer Protect and Serve to ensure our safety, Freedom, and Rights, But instead pray on us for our money to live better lives then us on our money- That is the Definition of the corruption that lays in wait for us in everything We do because We set out and let it happen! Its time for all citizens to step in and get on the list with me by calling their Reps. complaining and stating what they want as well as what they want changed! Fellow Citizens, under our form of Government, We are spouse to do that because our form of Government will not work for us as intended if We do not do so!!!
Posted on: Wed, 14 Jan 2015 21:25:38 +0000

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