Noah On Shark Tank. (The Futuristic Past) Season 1. Welcome to - TopicsExpress


Noah On Shark Tank. (The Futuristic Past) Season 1. Welcome to todays shark tank. Todays billionaires come from diverse back grounds. Some of them are successful while the rest are truelly great. The difference between successful people and great people is that while the former are all concerned about progressing themselves, the latter use their success to serve people. Onto our sharks. Meet Lil Wayne. He calls himself the rain maker. He takes cough syrup so as to break his voice. Hes made lots of money. Watch out for his next big single I make it cough.. Despite his paper, women, cars and jewels networth, his true worth is almost nil since he has an outstanding eternal debt that no human could buy himself out of.. Meet fiti ce other wise known as Fifty Cent he got rich and almost died while trying. You can find him in the club, still asking 21 questions and once every often he can take you for window shopping. He claims they love him like they love pac.. As of his networth, unless he gets an endorsement from heaven, his name will soon lack value like the fity pence he calls himself.. Meet Eklisia. Engaged to a rich Jewish man that shes never met. He claims to own everything but gave up everything just for her. To enable her to enjoy everything he sacrificed for her to have, he wrote her a letter, his will and some instructors to help her grow into her inheritance. They do this by interperating what he wrote. When he left to organize for their wedding and after party, he sent his most trusted assistant to help his future wife how to enjoy what belongs to her. Meet Saint Quip Holdings. They are long term investment consultants. They teach, coach, mentor, and show people how to make profitable losses. They claim believing is seeing, they too are employed by the rich hebrew boy who they claim will come to judge the world and the angels alongside his bride. They deal with physical, soulish but mostly spiritual stuff. Their cosmetic company makes you beautiful from the inside out. Meet Lucy Fa also known as Dave Owl. Cunning like hell. The illusions master. He hates people,he profits from their ignorance. He works through twists and faulty perceptions. He has infiltrated the world system through every possible media. Saint Qs book calls him the god of this world whose blinded the minds of humanity that they may not believe the rich young ruler who went on a journey. Onto our first pitcher. Meet Noah. Hes been working on this wooden house that he claims someone he couldnt see told him exactly how to construct it. Hes been working on it for over a century and its never moved or helped anyone, he says hes foreseeing a flooded market. Noah came with his family his wife and three sons. Welcome Noah. Noah: Hi Sharks.. Im sorry i couldnt come with my invention I left it at home. I couldnt carry it. But I have photos of it that you can see what Ive been up to. Lil Wayne: Boy you outa yo mind..You expecting drops of floating water to make uz stuff to work? How about i give you some of my paper rain so you can give up on yo divine machine.. Just tell me what you like, il like what you tell me. Lucy Fa: Eh boy, i like your religiousity but we live in a real world. That wood machine cant work.. Besides, all the water we know comes from the ground.. Or will you need to hire people to take planes to irrigate your wood work so it can evaporate? Mr Noah built an ark my people and i think it is a silly joke. Fiti: Eh yo Noah. . You know i? That toy is just whack.. I really mean it. Youve built something thats never worked or been seen anywhere. How many of those have you sold? And how will making something that will save others put food on your table? Thats just none sense.. It has to make sense for it make cents. I believe in doing everything for Me, i, or my self. So I cant support your religiosity philanthropy. Im out. Saint Quip: Well, Noah, you have a good idea i think Madam Eklisia should give you a hearing. Im told the Hebrew boy interested in her also sponsored you to teach her how he too is working on something that doesnt make cents or sense but it will one day. Mr Noah keep working. I can get some people to read your story on the original world book of records. Eklisia: hey boy. I hear my man sent you to get my attention. That he wanted me to watch you so i could learn that whatever he tells me wont always make logic, but will surely require faith. My relationship with him cant be based on how things look or dont look like. Through his right hand Assistant, he taught me to look beyond the temporary visible and focus on the invisible eternal . I could give you a try. I know when if you can conceive the invisible, you will achieve the impossible. Noah: Thank you sharks. I know it sounds crazy but my dream is valid.. The thing about the business investor i work with, he claims that believing is seeing that before he can explain what he wants to do, you must first do what he already told you to do. Faithfulness is a big thing with him. He defines it as doing the last thing i told you to do. When i look at the precisenes of his design, i honestly cant but admit that hes the most purposeful being alive. I can also tell he cant be known intellectually. He first must diligently sought by faith so he can reveal himself. He is known by self revelation not human reasoning. So which of you will be willing to become my business partner? (The sharks look at each other): Saint Quip: Give us some time to consult. Please step out to give us a few minutes to deliberate. Noah: Much obliged. (He walks out.) Behind closed doors: Dave Owl: I hate such people. They deceive the masses to believe in a the existence of a Being theyve never seen. Its like walking naked and claiming your wearing clothes its just that they cant be seen..i dont think this makes sense to invest so much time and resources for over 100 years just to make one thing thats never been seen or tested.. People were born and died while he was still working.. I think... Saint Q: Who cares what you think? Since your demotion from the head quarters as the C.S. for Communication, all youve been doing is destroying people by using arguments and high things to make people to entangle themselves in bad ideas that seemed right that ended up destroying them.. Aint you the one who lied to Lil Wayne that youd give him all he wants if he can help you blind as many souls as he can.. Wayne: eh yo yo yo peeps are jus trippin. Im a self made millionaire. You can call me a selfie mill, i got so much paper i turn myself to vapour.I got a million in the bank thats why im a shark tank. Saint Q:Whatever you say Mister crunk prank. Fifty Cent: Enough of the two of you. As for me i must be paid to do what i do. If theres no pay theres no doing. These religious freaks just get on my nerves.. They have the message. I have the money, i influence the media and control the masses. Life is all about the here and now. Who cares about hell? Live for today. Tomorrow will sort itself out. They like saying that there those who will experience death after life, and those who will experience life after death.. As for me, i will have my fun now.. I believe in playing now and paying later.. Dave Owl: I like people like you. Thats why i continue helping you write your hits so you can illuminate the darkened minds into the reality that there are no demons.. Those are just stories.. The Hebrew boy was a good guy so good he was even born among cows and he died like a thief. How can such person have anything to offer? He was just a furniture maker.. Eklisia:But he is also a future maker too. Just take a look at me. Im not what i used to be when he entered my life. He loved me in my worst state. He gave up so much for our relationship even before i was born. He paid of all my debts both the past and future ones. I was a nobody without him but now hes made me to join his royal family. All things are mine. I have suffered in ignorance for listening to you Lucy Fa and your puppets the likes of this 50cent coin and that self acclaimed rain maker.. Dave Owl: eh eh come easy.You need to be enlightened like your great grand mother Eve. She knew and got what she wanted.. This religious force your aligned to is all about rules and regulations. He claims to free people but i all his people are bound by the demands of some of these Saint Quip guys.. But i dont mind them. I used to fight all of them but now i realize the deceived ones are some of my greatest allies. Apart from convincing people that i dont exist, religion has been my second greatest invention. Let people and their leaders play the church game. Let them pretend to be saved for two hours every sunday morning then live like me for the rest of the week. Two hours per week translates into less than ten hours a month that has an average of 720 hours. If they watch 5hours of my deforming material every day while ignoring their Husband, i will obviously win the battle for their souls. When its too late, when they appear before the Holy One,they will realize He never knew them. All they had was a religion not a relationship. Once he says depart from me I will then take them and torment them for eternity. Saint Q tell the deceived guides in your field im thankful to them for lying to many in the Eklisia that all she needs to do is throw money in a bucket and everything will be okay. I used to hate all pastors until i realized i can use the money minded ones to lull Gods people into lethargy and complacency. I like how many now think all that God wants is a percentage of their time and money not the whole pie. Noah im out.I wont support your dream.Its too real. Its potential of doing good is too high. Count me out. Make it twice. Lil Wayne: Im also out since my boss dave owl backed out, like father like son. Im out too. I cant support something that will open peoples eyes and reduce our sales. We need to keep people deceived so we can profit from their illusion. Fity Cent: yoh Noah, you know i can only do what i see what my father and brother do. If he doesnt feel your woodwork, Im afraid I cant. If your woodwork would work so would i but for now, Im out like for weezy for sheezy. Eklisia: Despite all ive heard from these pinting fellas, against all hope, I have a hunch your idea is a reasoned risk. Saint Q and i believe in you just as my bridegroom believed in me. You have a deal. Il talk to my lawyer well work out on the shares well buy. But especially book for us several seats. . Perhaps others will join us later.. Hebrews 11:7 By faith Noah, being warned of God of things not yet seen as yet, moved with reverence and prepared an ark for the saving of his house by which he condemned the world and became heir of the righteousness which comes by faith. To Be Continued.. Watch out for season Two.. A girl claims she does virgin births.
Posted on: Sat, 11 Oct 2014 06:38:31 +0000

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