Nobody learns to pay attention by being yelled at... Jon - TopicsExpress


Nobody learns to pay attention by being yelled at... Jon Kabat-Zinn I VOTE FOR MINFULNESS TEACHINGS IN ALL SCHOOLS - DO YOU? Please share.... I have joined an online course in Mindfulness Fundamentals from Mindful schools in USA, and I came acros this video with Jon Kabat-Zinn. Please watch this short clip where he defines Mindfulness. https://youtube/watch?v=gWaK2mI_rZw#t=70 Most of you might say, that you all know what mindfulness is. Well, I thought I did, and still I learned something from this video. In particular this part of the video, where he says: In schools teachers are going out of their minds, screaming and yelling at their class and students and shouting Pay attention, pay attention but nobody learns to pay attention buy being screamed at to pay attention.... ....... !!!!! No, exactly. And children today have even more challenges with paying attention than ever before....which to me is obvious, because they are constantly stimulated and receiving inputs, so they do not get a chance to learn how to pay attention to one thing at a time or to just listen inside and digest it all. And when kids are yelled at to pay attention, and they dont know how to, they feel that they are wrong, because they cant pay attention. But they are not wrong, and they should not feel wrong and they should not be yelled at. Its normal for the mind to produce thoughts all the time and to constantly wander off in all kinds of directions. Its the minds job, so to speak. So what the children (and we) need to learn is to control the mind, and to pay attention to what is going on and not get caught up in all the thoughts that the mind produces (thoughts that leads to feelings). But this is not easy - and especially not in todays world, because we are not used to paying attention..we are used to being distracted and entertained all the time...from the day we are born actually. So, it must be absolutely essential that mindfulness teaching is a part of the teachings in the schools....if you dont know how to pay attention, you cant learn. And also for the rest of your life, you will need techniques to find peace and attention inside. For me, its as fundamental as learning to read and write - or actually even more so. And being mindful and finding inner peace brings so much joy, and we should all be given the gift of feeling joyful. So, I vote for mindfulness in all schools, breathing techniques to find peace or Childrens Yoga with qualified teachers, which are all techniques to learn to pay attention. And be present. And maybe, we should give a course to all parents as well? I for sure wish, I had known what I know now 11 years ago, when my first child was born. Just an example from real school life: Recently, I found out that in my kids school, they are even stimulated with input during their lunch break. They either watch Youtube on big screen (which will be music or a video) or the teacher reads a story to them. Many children come home with boxes full of food, because they did not have time to eat, they say. But what really happened is that they were stimulated with inputs so they forgot to eat. So not even during lunch break, do the kids a chance to focus at one thing and enjoy silence.....Why? Mindful thoughts, Surprét
Posted on: Mon, 11 Nov 2013 19:47:27 +0000

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