North Korea Postpones Family Reunion Program By CHOE - TopicsExpress


North Korea Postpones Family Reunion Program By CHOE SANG-HUN Published: September 21, 2013 SEOUL — North Korea on Saturday postponed an emotionally charged humanitarian program that would have allowed hundreds of family members on both sides of the divided Korean Peninsula to meet for the first time since the Korean War six decades ago. North and South Korea had agreed last month to allow up to 100 people from each side to meet their relatives at the Diamond Mountain resort in southeastern North Korea starting on Wednesday. But on Saturday, the North abruptly announced that it was delaying the reunions, saying that inter-Korean relations were being plunged into crisis because of a “reckless and vicious confrontational racket” of the conservative government in Seoul. A statement from the Committee for the Peaceful Reunification of the Fatherland, Pyongyang’s agency in charge of relations with the South, accused Seoul of provoking the North by telling its people that Pyongyang had been forced to make its recent conciliatory gestures, including the agreement on family reunions, because of the strong principled stances of President Park Geun-hye of the South. It also protested the recent arrest of a progressive opposition lawmaker on charges of treason. The legislator, Lee Seok-ki, was charged with urging 130 followers to stage an armed rebellion to help North Korea overthrow the South in the event of war on the peninsula. Mr. Lee has said he and his followers were singled out in the government’s plot to silence critics of Ms. Park. On Saturday, North Korea called the Lee case part of the South Korean government’s “witch hunt” to crack down on people championing reconciliation and cooperation with the North. The postponement of family reunions dampened hopes for improved inter-Korean ties after recent moves by both Koreas to ease tensions created by the North’s nuclear test in February and threats of war last spring. Last week, the two sides resumed operations at a jointly operated factory park that was shut down in April. The two Koreas have not held family reunions since 2010. Their revival had been expected to further accelerate the two governments’ move toward a thaw after months of tension. It had also been particularly welcome news for 73,000 South Koreans — half more than 80 years old — who are on a waiting list to meet with relatives in the North. On Monday, North and South Korea had exchanged the lists of the names of 96 South Koreans and 100 North Koreans who would be allowed to see their relatives next week. Millions of Koreans were divided by the Korean War of 1950-53, which ended in a stalemate and a cease-fire. With no exchanges of letters, e-mails or telephone calls allowed across the border, family reunions remain a highly emotional issue. About 129,000 people from South Korea alone originally applied for the family reunion program. But only 22,000 people in total, from both Koreas, were allowed to meet during 18 rounds of government-arranged reunions from 1985 to 2010, when the program was suspended as inter-Korean relations soured. On average, 2,000 South Koreans on the waiting list die each year. South Korean officials have also suspected the North of using the humanitarian program for political leverage, while the North has often accused the better-off South of using humanitarian aid to push its political demands in negotiations. The North’s postponement of family reunions was an “anti-humanitarian” behavior that “crushed the longing and hopes” of aging Koreans waiting to meet their relatives before they die, Kim Eui-do, a South Korean government spokesman, said in a statement.
Posted on: Sun, 22 Sep 2013 03:58:13 +0000

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