North of the Moons moon and planetary notes for October 31, - TopicsExpress


North of the Moons moon and planetary notes for October 31, 2013: The veil between the worlds now thins, and Whispered Souls like violins will speak beyond the tides of time of secrets foolish and sublime And so bid welcome unafraid to the Ever Living Shade. ~ by: Ravens Wing ~ Happy Halloween, Samhain, All Hallows Mass, etc! The day of supernatural wonders has arrived. Thought to be the period of time when the veil is at its thinnest, the journey between worlds becomes nearly effortless. The moons trek into caring Libra at 5:22am (PDT/USA) adds a certain kind of positive and intuitive energy to the day. Interacting with others and getting into the make believe that often signifies Halloween will be a delightful task for many. Moon in Libra will cast a glittery charm over our hearts and the festivities. On one level we are more gracious and caring towards others, which is a welcome relief from all of the soul searching weve been doing. But, theres an underlying hint of uneasiness today, despite the celebratory atmosphere. Feelings of danger, or change beyond our control are prevalent as the Libran moon irritates Pluto and Uranus and reveals the transformations that are taking place now. Part of the uneasiness is due to the incredibly strong alignment of planets gathering for the New Moon/Solar Eclipse that takes place on Saturday/Sunday. This is perhaps the one weve been waiting for as illusions and outmoded beliefs begin to disintegrate before our eyes. Secrets will be revealed. Thats always a given when theres as much Scorpio energy as there is now. Healing on extremely deep levels, both personally and globally, is taking place. Scorpios mission is to push us to experience a loss of self through intimacy. Its time to heal any memories or blocks that keep you from embracing this. The idea of weakening some to prop up others is no longer operable on any level. Being sovereign in your own right allows you to give fully when you deem it appropriate. Losing yourself in your passion is your choice, always. The cosmic energies are still running over the top of our physical stamina. It is important to listen to your body and to allow yourself all the opportunities to rest you need. Emotions may be more balanced today. Meditation can be very deep and connective for the next few days. Put equal amounts of cinnamon, allspice, and anise (and one drop of bergamot oil, if you have it) in a small pan or small crockpot full of water to heat. Let the steamy scent welcome the unseen and your spirit guides. Thank them for supporting you through this year of personal change. You are magnificent!
Posted on: Thu, 31 Oct 2013 06:06:36 +0000

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