Not Home related, but something that needs to be said: As a - TopicsExpress


Not Home related, but something that needs to be said: As a short time member of this group, I have not had time to get to know a lot of you. I have had occasion to chat back and forth with some people here and have a few laughs. This group was a fresh breath on Facebook with how friendly people were and I looked forward to getting to know more and adding to Facebook, PSN or both. Then the announcement came that Home was closing and this group lost their respect for each other quickly. For the better part of a weekend, I have watched the admins fall under fire for something they had no control over and were as upset as the rest of us. In the middle of it all, there was someone who had a reason to be upset because they were confined to a wheelchair and this game was a lifeline for them. All so many of you did was whine about money you spent, but here was someone being cut off from friends they made. Just this morning, Cyn goes about business as usual posting content updates and how many comments were not negative? Last I checked.... one. You all claim Home is the place you and your friends gathered, well so was this group and the behavior of some many has made me happy I have not gotten to know so many of you, because friendship only seems to matter when things are good. As someone who enjoys observing chaos, I have been quite disgusted with the lack of respect shown to each other over the close to a week that has passed. I honestly dont know why the admin bother keeping this group open.... I sure wouldnt. For the few of you I have had occasion to shoot the bull with and have not added either on Facebook or PSN, feel free to correct this oversight because quite frankly, Im not sure how much longer I am going to stick around this group if this current atmosphere continues.
Posted on: Mon, 29 Sep 2014 16:51:03 +0000

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