Not a pleasing post. I was awakened by lights and dep sheriff - TopicsExpress


Not a pleasing post. I was awakened by lights and dep sheriff cars. then someone yelling at my door. dogs going nuts. He asks me if my sheep was out? I said no, he says are you sure?? lol I laughed and said yesssss, I have a horse and a pet farm pig....there was a sheep wandering out here. So I tell him to put it in the front. I asked him if he would come in with my dogs barking like that. He said NO WAY!! guess I am safe. Anyway about one am the dogs go nuts again. I go out and this sheep is just standing there by the dogs in their night time area. go to feed her,she is not acting right. I start to check her, he has a softball sized hole in her side full of maggots. OMGosh poor baby. She is sheared hooves are done, one broken horn and an ear that was tore up.white. Looks old, tired. I flushed the wound with betadine mix over and over, then painstakingly used my hemostats and began to get those things out. hundreds and hundreds of them. Then I hated to do it, flushed it with peroxide to kill them. Then put this good antibiotic powder on it, then scarlet oil around and on it to keep flies off. first I gave her a big injection of antibiotic. Talking to the creator the whole time,asked for angels help, he sent them. She is breathing, her temp is high. she could not make to the barn so I basically carried her onto my front deck porch. Put her on blankets and rested her head on some too. crap then found another wound by her pooter. so flushed it with peroxide. I hate that stuff but its ok to use it the first time you do a wound. After that you dont want to as it tears up the new tissue trying to heal..... ugh. I hope she does not give up. I hope touch, soft voice, soft bed and meds give her some will to live. I thanked the creator for trusting her to me. I have NO idea where she came from. I am thinking dumped or more someone got the sheep out of a field and left her. and left the gate open. She just wandered off. I would stop and let her rest. thinking about whoever had her does not deserve her. it is a very old wound. neglect pure and simple. If anyone calls about her, they will not get her back.I will file a neglect charge on them. I hope I dont have to go to jail over this. I am very claustrophobic. no use asking how can people be so cruel. one of our first commandments was to care for the animals. this poor innocent creature. I dont have the constitution I used to. but I knew I was not alone. ouch every joint in my old bod hurts. heart hurts. I would sleep out there but I have a feeling her not being a pet, it might make her more nervous. There are chickens right by her purring and making those sweet sleepy noises they do. I mean I layed in bed and thought, what if this sheep is hurt? would the deputies even check or care? thanks to my dogs I went out and looked. In this whole world, what are the chances this lost soul ended up here on eden? Please my dear HP allow her to heal and thrive. send good thoughts please!!!
Posted on: Thu, 14 Aug 2014 09:40:28 +0000

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