Not long to go now until our next Séance Night at Chilvers Coton - TopicsExpress


Not long to go now until our next Séance Night at Chilvers Coton in Nuneaton on the 26th October 2013. This one is going to be special. We are treating these séances as a documentary, each night a new piece of the puzzle. To see where it will take us and what the picture will look like in the end once it has been fully studied. This is not just another séance event for guests on a fun night out. No, this is a serious investigation. Its about delving into the unknown. We are voyagers into uncharted territory, to pull back the thin veil of our own existence and gaze into the world of Spirit. Séances have been around since the 1700s and the height of these was with the Victorians. It was seen as a form of entertainment, communication and even bemusement. Of course humans have been contacting the dead for hundreds if not thousands of years in one form or another and the more modern séance is just another evolved form of that principle. This is not something new. However the subject is usually treated with scepticism and distain by none believers. On the other end of the spectrum there are people who fear it and believe that holding such a night to be forbidden and even wicked. I however completely disagree. These séances that we do are about proving that life after death truly does exist and there is much more to this world that we do not understand. I have been obsessed with the Victorian Séances for many years and its a joy to be personally hosting a variation of one as long as its treated responsibly and with the respect it deserves. I would never advise anyone to attempt these nights themselves unless they know what they are doing. They can be extremely dangerous otherwise. 2 Haunted Venues have been holding mini séances for quite some time now, with great results and as much as it is fantastic to bring Spirit forward to communicate with us there was something missing? The undeniable physical evidence. Its one thing to get a message from a loved one in the world of Spirit but to get them to interact with us on our own plane of exist is something else. To witness paranormal activity that cannot be explained. To experience something that is difficult to debunked and easily dismiss as fakery and illusion. That is our goal. That is what drives me and the rest of the team. Yes I love hosting séances and the messages that Spirit can bring but I also want to pull other stronger energies forward as well. To prove that there is much more to this world than what we can see, touch and hear. A secret place. With that in mind the 2 Haunted Venues team will continue to hold these events throughout the country in different locations and see what evidence we can bring forward. Its about speaking to those of the light and also the dark. Each force has their own energies and strengths. Each has their own drive in wanting to communicate with us. So far we have made an impressive start on this journey but there is a great deal further to go. This is just the beginning. Our goal is for a full bodied apparition to appear for all to see, caught on film and shown to the world. A massive undertaking indeed. With this documentary we will collect as many evidence files as we can, show as much varied activity as possible to prove the existence of Spirit. We treat the subject with complete respect and everyone that attends these nights must do the same. Please read our Terms & Conditions on the website for more details. This is not just another spooky night out. No this is about proving that such things do exist in as much of a controlled scientific environment as we can in these locations. Lets get the evidence. Lets show the world that Spirit, Angels and Demons are real. If we can prove that then maybe we can one day show that there really is a higher power controlling and guiding all of us. Well we shall try and see. Nothing is faked, no magic tricks, no illusions. If it happens and we catch it on film then it is up to you the viewer to make up your own minds. All we can do as a team is present it to you as honestly as we can. So far we have had some interesting results like at the Ancient Ram Inn but at Chilvers Coton in October we will be pushing so much harder for the evidence. To open a door to the light and to the dark and see what comes through. There are still limited tickets left if you want to be on this journey with us and please visit the website for more details...
Posted on: Tue, 15 Oct 2013 20:49:32 +0000

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