Not usually one to go on a political rant on facebook but - TopicsExpress


Not usually one to go on a political rant on facebook but everything happening in Ferguson, MO is a shame, and a shame for all the wrong reasons.... These riots have nothing to do with Michael Brown and I feel bad for the community and businesses around Ferguson. These riots have been planned and orchestrated by people who take advantage of the system. If.... there were charges brought, there would be riots and looting in celebration. If.... there were no charges brought, there would be riots and looting in protests. Its sad to see a community torn apart by people from outside of that community that try to claim their actions are justified because there is no justice in this country. Bullshit, I saw more upside down flags and burning buildings last night that I ever care to see. Part of me thinks, hey its a great country that we live in where we have the right to formally protest. Then I think of the brave men and women fighting oversees to protect those rights and I instantly get pissed off. You wave and Iraqi flag upside down in the middle east, you get shot... youre family gets arrested.... Wheres Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson this morning to try to calm these protests down? Wont see them on TV, they want to distance themselves from negative media as far as they can to further their own political agendas. I get it, sometimes police officers form racial bias and its not right. But think about what they go through day in and day out. They dont get the calls with a cat stuck in a tree in the wealthy upper class suburbs, no they get the calls with a double homicide drive by with a suspect still at large in a neighborhood that I dont even like to drive through mid day. They see and experience some of humanities worst acts of violence and are in constant fear of the unknown. Talk to a cop, literally any cop, and youll have a better respect for what they have to go through on a daily basis before anyone claims that our police force is corrupt. People corrupt society, Society doesnt corrupt the people.
Posted on: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 11:38:19 +0000

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