#Note:- अवश्य पढें! अवश्य - TopicsExpress


#Note:- अवश्य पढें! अवश्य पढें! अवश्य पढें! अगर आगर आपको ये Story पसंद नही आयी, तो आज के बाद मैं Real India पर Post करना छोड़ दुंगा। Sometimes life teaches you a lesson in a hard way. it was the end of august. one of my friend had an small accident and was in hospital. i went to visit him. i met with him and he was fine. then i was leaving for home. when i came across the main hall i saw a small group of peoples standing there. i was curious so i went there to see what is happening. One man was fighting with another person. he was saying- i will not let you do this. you can not kill her. the other person was just surprised and saying-leave me. what are you talking about. i dont even know you.why are you fighting with me? finally some peoples went there n stopped them. they pulled the guy who was attacking the other guy. but he was still screaming that- i wont let u do this. in some time he calmed down and he sat there. i asked a doctor what happend there? he said that the other man came here to abort his chid with his wife. he was talking to the doctor and this man came there and started fighting with him. i was surprised hearing this. now it was getting interesting. So i went to meet that person. he was still sitting there but he was looking very calm now. so i asked him what happened sir? why you attacked that man if you dont know him. he said that i m here with my wife. she is in hospital. when i was passing by here i heard this man talking with doctor about aborting his child because she was a girl. thats why i attacked him. i asked- i can understand that it is a crime. it is wrong. but still it is about their own child. what do you have to do with it? there was no need to be so much aggresive. i am sure there is another reason. and he said- you are right. ok you seem like a right person to tell everything. come with me i will tell you everything. we both went to a cafeteria next to the hospital.there he told me why he did that. He started saying- just before two months i was a happy person living with my wife and my one and only son. his name was kunal. he was a intelligent kid. he just cleared his 12th. he was very dear to us. he was a very bright kid with a bright future. but two months ago one morning when his mother went to wake up him. he was hanging by his neck. He started crying as he was telling this. I was shocked hearing this and all i could say was- what? but why? what happened? He continued- his mother just screamed his name and fainted. i heard her screaming and i went running to his room and saw him. i couldnot believe what i was watching and started to loose my senses. but i realized that i have to be strong and i need to console his mother. i went near his mother and with the use of water i woke her up. she started screaming and crying again. hearing us some of our neighbours came there. everyone was shocked. both of us were just crying so our neighbours consoled us and called for police and ambulance. Police came and they did their work. they searched the room and they found a suicide note which was written by my son. after 2 days, the police inspector came to our house. my wife was still not talking to anyone. she was just sitting quitely. but i knew that now i have lost him. so i asked them about the suicide note they found. i wanted to know why he did this? the inspector gave me the note & i started reading it. Dear mummy and daddy. i know i am hurting you a lot. i am really sorry for doing this but i cannot live with the guilt of killing three lives. yes you heard me right. i know you must be thinking that when did i killed three lives. well from the childhood i am asking both of you why i dont have any sisters? every festival of rakhi i watched other kids with their sisters & when i watch my empty hands. it was very heart breaking for me. last night i was passing by your room and i heard both of you talking. mom was crying and you were saying that Meena u should now forget about it. we have a son now. i am very happy and you should be too. Mom said that i am happy too but still i cant get over the fact
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 03:58:01 +0000

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