Note to Holier-Than-Thou Christians Who Dont Get It~ At the end, - TopicsExpress


Note to Holier-Than-Thou Christians Who Dont Get It~ At the end, there will be a quiz! YES, we DO forgive. Why do you think we are advocating unforgiveness? Where are you getting that from? Of course we are willing to forgive, and we will and do forgive~ as soon as there is repentance on the part of the evil who abuse us. That is what Jesus tells us to do, and that is what is taught throughout the Bible. If you think otherwise, you are wrong. WE are the ones following the Bible, not you. Unfortunately, most children of the devil will choose not to repent, thereby rendering themselves undeserving of forgiveness, according the the Bible. We are biblically UNABLE to forgive them until they do, so the choice is theirs. This is not on us, its on them. The person YOU need to go talk to and lay a guilt trip on is the abuser. YOU need to ask HER if she has repented of her evil, how she has made amends and what she has done to change her ways, BEFORE you ask us if we have forgiven her. One cant happen without the other happening first. We teach and preach the biblical model, which is CONDITIONAL forgiveness. You are also wrong when you interpret a decision not to reconcile to mean we havent forgiven. One thing has nothing to do with the other. As much as you might want to manipulate everything to go back to the way it was, forgiveness and reconciliation are not the same thing. No, really. Look them up. We can forgive just fine from a safe distance, without reconciling a relationship that was not healthy for us. There is NO biblical requirement to reconcile, so quit preaching error. You are not qualified to judge us, and Jesus tells YOU not to judge us. Only God knows the hearts of men, and only God knows if we have forgiven in our hearts. We do not have to advise you (or our abuser, either, for that matter) if and when we forgive him. Thats between us and the Lord. Its none of your business, and we do not owe any explanations or updates to you or our abuser. Quiz~ 1. Do you still think we teach and preach unforgiveness? 2. Are we telling abuse survivors never to forgive their abusers? 3. If you answered Yes to either of the above, do you have problems reading or understanding the English language? Because we really cant make it any clearer :-)
Posted on: Mon, 05 Jan 2015 21:14:50 +0000

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