Note to self: Do NOT try to ride at Camp Jordan again. There are - TopicsExpress


Note to self: Do NOT try to ride at Camp Jordan again. There are entirely too many people in general, and too many of those people are a certain kind of buttmonkey. Related note to everyone else: Once I am made King, any cyclist, walker, jogger, skateboarder, rollerskater, rollerblader, rollerboarder, parkour... umm... er (etc.) who is involved in an accident with a cyclist while wearing freakin earbuds will immediately be found at fault. I dont care if the cyclist involved was carrying a lance and bore down on you on purpose, if you have earbuds in, you will be found at fault. Provided, of course, that the cyclist involved was not also wearing earbuds, in which case everyone involved wearing earbuds will be publicly beaten the following day with those floaty pool-noodle things until they wee on themselves. Seriously, if you know youre (doing whichever exercise) in an area that doesnt have a heck of a lot of traffic, I suppose earbuds are okay. But if youre in a popular area, that craps gots ta go. Its unsafe, and it makes you kind of a douche.
Posted on: Tue, 05 Aug 2014 01:11:10 +0000

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